euregirl Member


  • I'd like to join!
  • I loved this so much! Thank you for putting such a positive spin on what so many try to make negative. Cheers to you!
  • Friend request sent! I'm trying to lose 60 pounds and can use all the friends I can get!
  • Request sent! I like being able to see other people's food diary because it gives me new ideas.
  • Hi! I'm Denise. I just turned 41 this month and I have a 16-year-old daughter. I need to lose at least 50 pounds, more would be awesome, but 50 is a big enough number all at one time. My problem: I'm a foodie! I LOVE to cook and eat and go out to eat and post pictures of food and try all types of food. All this food…
  • Hi everybody! I'm Denise and I'm relatively new to ACTIVELY using MFP. I'm 5'8" and I weight 230 which is the most I've weighed since having my daughter in 1998. I do go to the gym and workout at least four days a week; however, staying away from all the "bad for me" food is my weakness. I thought I was eating healthy and…
  • I am so happy I just found this thread! I just posted asking if there are any 40+ out Okay, so I just turned 41 this month, I'm a single mom with a 16 year old daughter and I need to lose 60 pounds. This is no fun and so far i'm not doing a good job. Any advice??