40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi Cool kids,

    Loved reading all the posts!
    Beeps - congrats to your son and his team on winning the provincials! Proud mamma indeed! Also, enjoy your dinner with your eldest son and gf. Always nice when they come home for a visit.

    Alf - I agree with your husband. Quit while at the top of your game, is retiring with dignity. :happy: That's not meant to be a bad thing, it means, you've still got it, but recognize that it may be time to change things up. Your thoughts of swimming and yoga are spot on! Oh, and lifting of course. :wink:

    CG - the sit and wait game is not my cup of tea and don't understand how people find that enjoyable, but they do. So, hat's off to you. Better luck next time for sure. At the end of the day, having the fresh meat is what it's all about. My husband and sons moose hunt. They enjoy the meat, I do not. I do have a bit...tiny bit, but not a big fan. My granddaughter on the other hand LOVES it! All you have to do is tell her it's moose meat and she eats it up! She will even take a little baggie of bits as a snack when we go for a walk. :laugh:

    Larro - love the pics. I too thought the bike plow was genius! Hope you get paddle and fish.

    My husband and I recently were talking about ways to draw others to fishing on Lake Superior, when we mentioned that no one markets kayak fishing (CG ....:happy: ) Some of our family members do it as they don't have a motor boat, but they have kayaks. On a calm day, there is nothing better.

    carmel - great job on your race! I understand the emotion that comes with an achievement. Well done! :drinker:

    Emmalou - congrats on getting the weekend workouts in!! Pleased to hear it was Beeps that motivated you to do so - that is what these forums are all about - help, support and motivation.

    I got a couple of bike rides in on the weekend and a run in yesterday. Yesterday's run was better than Friday's. am going to keep at it - helps with the weight. Am going to try and get those weight training workouts in as well. I always feel so damn good after a tough strength training workout.

    Weather is crap here. All the sunshine and heat is out west.. O well. At least I got to enjoy a couple of nice weeks of vacation while I was in Europe.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good afternoon- almost! I have been in a meeting most of the morning. I did get out this morning and did half of my trail running and half walking. I have been feeling so very tired the last couple of days, but it has been quite busy. Hoping for a quiet rest of the day and being able to get to bed a bit earlier tonight.

    Hope everyone has a good day!
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Hey Cool Kids!

    It's so true what you all said ... how you always feel better after a good workout. I know I've never ended one thinking "gee, I wish I wouldn't have done that!" It's such a great feeling that I just don't understand why sometimes it's so hard to drag your but up and do it! After my long-way-home via the dirt roads motorcycle ride, I'm hitting the weights!

    I have to confess that I don't love sitting and waiting. I'm a lousy hunter. I'd rather be a shooter :wink: . It's just no fun when you have to go looking for them! The meat is amazing, though, and the freezer full of fish, venison and pork is pretty rewarding. We don't have to ever buy meat anymore, and I know what we have is good quality. I guess that's why I'm willing to sit ... and wait ... and wait...

    Lake Superior! I haven't been, but have seen pictures that suggest it would be an awesome kayaking destination. Kayak fishing with the sit-on-top kayaks, especially the ones with foot peddles, has just exploded here on the coast. Sdereski, is your B&B on the shore? Maybe you could rent them to tourists?

    Beeps, hypothyroidism is a possibility. I was diagnosed with that 15 years ago, and that's what it felt like. Just. So. Tired. And I gained 60 lbs in one year! The meds helped I think, but my numbers never really changed. I stopped taking them just 6 months ago, and had my new blood tests yesterday. I'm curious to see where the numbers are. So if you do get diagnosed, just know it's not necessarily a lifetime issue. The other triggers of fatigue for me are sugar, alcohol, and too much caffeine. And it's like a catch-22, when you're really tired, you tend to feel hungry and want to eat more to find energy in calories. Low iron is another fatigue-causer. :yawn: How's your iron intake? Good luck getting to the bottom of that. It's always good to know what you're battling. And enjoy the weather where you are!

    Alf, I'll third/fourth the vote to step off stage at the top of your game. Save your best for yourself! Protect your body so it's there for you for decades to come.

    Larro, good luck with the fishing! That's a sport I don't mind the sit & wait game. You're almost always in a spectacular spot, and water is so hypnotic for some reason. So relaxing. Except the paddling upstream part!

    I pigged out on nuts last night, and my gut is telling me about the error of my ways! Geez! like 500 calories! I think I need to go from 3 major to 5 minor meals. I get home around 5, and I'm already starving. So maybe a small snack then, and another at 7 or so. I can't really add meals during the work day.

    Speaking of the work day, I'd better get back to it :laugh:
    I hope you all have a fabulous Tuesday.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    sdereski - I don't live anywhere near water, but I think it could be verrrrry cool to market kayak-fishing excursions.

    KellySue - all morning meetings are A DRAG!

    curious - 60 lbs in one year! OMG, I don't even know if i could ever survive that!

    for the time being, I'm going to eliminate bad carbs, keep my "no alcohol" habit going, watch my iron (which should be good - I do eat lots of red meat and lots of spinach!), and just hang tough.

    while I do NOT feel like i have "eaten too much" these last 3 months, it could just be that is what I have done. So, I'll hang tough for another month and if my scale-weight is STILL going up, then I'll have to go have it checked out.

    Back to protein shakes and bars, for me.

    And, I'm actually going to do LESS walking....somehow as soon as I up my cardio, my weight goes up, too!
  • euregirl
    euregirl Posts: 9 Member
    I am so happy I just found this thread! I just posted asking if there are any 40+ out there...lol
    Okay, so I just turned 41 this month, I'm a single mom with a 16 year old daughter and I need to lose 60 pounds. This is no fun and so far i'm not doing a good job. Any advice??
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    There is plenty of good advice here at mfp! good luck, euregirl.

    (I'll chat more with you when you: a) put up an avatar, so I don't feel like I'm talking to a shadow; and b) return to this lovely 40+ club thread!)
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    The good, the bad and the ugly.

    I had a good time on the river. I forgot my bread and cheese that I had planned to use for bait, but I caught a nice red breast bream with my first cast using a bite of cucumber. If I had caught more I would have put them in my pond to help stock it. Since I didn't catch anymore, I turned his loose before he used up the O2 in the bucket of water.

    When I got off the river I found out my Mamma had a stroke yesterday. I'm off to the hospital this morning to relieve my sister. I have my tablet, but don't know how much posting I will be able to do.

    So until then.....

  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Larro- so sorry to hear about your mom. Keeping you and your family in my prayers.

    Well, I had a more successful run this morning. I managed to run the whole time I was out, but I am feeling very sore right now. I don't think that it's from today but maybe some DOMS from my aerobics on Monday since I haven't done that workout in a while. Still feeling very tired. It has been chilly here this week and maybe I just feel like I should be snug in my bed instead of sitting at work! LOL!

    Welcome Euregirl! Hope you stick around a while.

    My Dr. appointment is tomorrow. Hoping to hear that things are going well. We are supposed to talk about my last diabetes medication that I am on and possibly stopping it. I have had to cut back to half a dose in the evenings because I was waking up with very low blood sugars in the middle of the night on several occasions so we'll see.

    Have a great day all!
  • kjgarcia
    kjgarcia Posts: 104 Member
    Larro, I'm so sorry about your Mom, sending good thoughts for sure! :flowerforyou:

    Kelly: Good luck at your appointment tomorrow, and with possibly getting off your meds, that would be wonderful! :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Sorry about your mom's stroke, larro...here is hoping she recovers well!

    KellySue!!! Can you IMAGINE if you end up OFF the meds!! omg @ how GREAT that is!! ALL YOU, BABY, ALL YOU!


    Off to lift, again...
  • Emmalusmom
    Emmalusmom Posts: 61 Member
    Larro - I am sorry to hear about your mother. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

    KellySue - I hope that you gwt off your meds. That is one of my goals too. I have type 2 diabetes and want to be free of the meds!

    euregirl - Welcome to the cool kids. I think that you will find the perfect balance of support and kick you in the butt when you need it. :wink:

    I hope that everyone has an awesome day!
  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member
    Good morning! Im 40, been logging 23 days and really enjoying the healthy change :happy:
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Happy Hump Day Cool Kids!

    Larro, so sad to hear about your mom. :cry: That's so difficult. I hope she recovers and that you and your sister have love and support.

    Kelly Sue, getting off your meds will be huge! Hopefully it's now, but if not I'm sure it will be soon. And great job on the run!

    Speaking of meds, I got my labs back yesterday. In the last six months I had stopped taking my hypo-thyroid meds on a bit of a whim, and the crazy thing is, my numbers went up! Which demonstrates more thyroid activity than when I was on the meds that were supposed to stimulate that. Doesn't figure, but I'm done with those meds for good! I guess I can't say I was ever hypo, but will never know. The other thing they tested was Vitamin D, and I was low there. 18.8, and norm is 30-50. So I added a new pill.

    I rode on a lot of dirt yesterday, and stood up for all of it ... standing on this motorcycle is hard! It's like being in a yoga "chair" pose, but with your hands out, and the floor underneath you is bucking around. My thighs are toast today! Last night I started working on the motorcycle I crashed. Got the new front forks and steering stem on...tonight the front wheel!

    Welcome euregirl & Just. I'm pretty new too, and these kids rock.

    Wishing you all a great day.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi Cool kids,

    Beeps not sure how I missed your post about being tired and the 10lb weight gain. It certainly can be hypothyroidism. I was diagnosed at 18 and have been on meds ever since. the changed my dosage almost 2 years ago and that is when weight started piling back on.
    As for iron, it can be that as well. We are in our 40s and you know what those 40+year old periods can be like (sorry Larro). I ended up with very low iron as a result. Took years to diagnose though.

    Larro, sorry to hear about your mom. I certainly hope she makes a full recovery.

    CG - interesting about your thyroid levels and meds. Wow. I have tried to go off my meds a few times but have not had the results you had. I go into slow mo big time!
    Oh, riding that dirt bike sounds like so much fun!!! :happy:

    Kelly Sue - You have done AMAZING!! Imagine, more meds GONE! Huge kudos to you and all YOUR hard work and dedication!

    Did a bit of walk run yesterday. Did a 5k run with my g/f. She is just new to running, so the pace was slower than I normally would have done. We were lucky though, we had torrential rains about 1/2 before our run, and as soon as we stopped (literally) rain started to fall again.The entire time we were running - beautiful! :happy:

    Had such a lovely B&B guest last night. A young mom and her 10 year old son. I have said it before, and I will continue to say it "I get the nicest guests!"

    There is a business, right around the bay from my place that is a kayak rental, trip and school http://www.naturallysuperior.com
    It is not something he has considered as he does more trips, but not fishing. Very cool idea though. :happy:

    Another gray, crappy day here. Was supposed to golf after work, but the team cancelled again due to rain. Twice I was booked to golf, twice it has been cancelled due to cold or rain. :noway:
  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member
    Thanks for the welcome :happy:

    I'm doing a major house clean today......still pretty achey from running awkwardly while hanging on to my sons bike seat,lol. He is just learning and still needs the running push.

    Have a great day all ,

    Off to the land of windex!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Truth is, I don't want to have any disorder/disease....so, I'll just keep soldiering on with watching my calories, getting in all my lifting, walking when I can, making sure I am sleeping well, etc., etc.

    I don't think it is iron-deficiency....that would be a long shot.

    I also don't think it is hypo-thyroidism....a 10 lb weight-gain sucks *kitten*, but it likely is that I have eaten too much - plain and simple. If I shut my mouth and deny the food, bet that scale goes back down!

    I did get my lifting in-and-done.

    Standing on a motorcycle sounds DANGEROUS! I won't do it! Awesome for sore thighs, though....

  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Hey guys. I'm just dragging in. I took my tablet today, but I couldn't remember my password. {Maybe I have a small case of CRS} I may just take my laptop tomorrow, so I don't need the passwords.

    Thanks for all the well wishes for my mom. They pumped her full of blood thinners, and she is doing much better. In fact, all the Doctors can't agree if it was a stroke, or just very high blood pressure. Either way, the treatment is the same. They are saying a week or so in a rehab before she comes home. She isn't liking that too much.

    The canoe trip did hurt my knee a little. I guess from sitting for a long period in the short lawn chair I use. It's not bad, but when I first stand up, it hurts. This getting old is not for sissies.

    Welcome to the new guys. {I'm a new guy too}

  • GeekMeister
    GeekMeister Posts: 41 Member
    Have been reading this thread and it seems like a really positive group. I'd love to be a part of it. I'm 44 and nearing my goal. I'm set to run my first 5k next week and I'm really excited! I've also been really excited about my consistency lately and it seems like all my fitness goals are within reach finally. Im quickly approaching my 80lb loss goal. I started at 255 and should hit 175 in a couple weeks. Anyway, just wanted to say hi so I can follow this thread.

  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member
    Good Morning :smile:

    Woke up in a not-so-positive mindset today....The scale hasn't budged in 2.5 weeks so Im going to search " stall " and re-evaluate my plan here. I feel better mentally and physically but need to see some PROGRESS!

    Ive got a busy day completing orders before I close my website for vacation in a few weeks ~ I'll fit lifting in today and a treadmill session or fresh-air walk !

    Hope you all are doing well and staying positive, check in shortly :happy:

    Congratulations Geek on your success! Keep it up!
  • WonkaCat
    WonkaCat Posts: 42

    Do any of you belong to Planet Fitness? We starting going to a new one near our house, but I'm lost as to what to do on the machines or with the weights? I got the cardio down, but I don't know what else. Any suggestions?

    I utilized their free session with the trainer and he took me around and showed me how to use the equipment. I had never belonged to a gym or really used equipment until I joined about two months ago and made sure he knew I was clueless. He was very helpful and nice about it. Now I feel pretty confident with the weight machines and increasing te weights as I go.