40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Terrific, bkw!!!!!! Congrats!!!
  • 1968samuel
    1968samuel Posts: 176 Member
    BKW - Congratulations!!! That is fantastic!!! :flowerforyou:

    Dame - :laugh: Yes, I feel your pain!

    Since restarting back on MFP over the summer I've lost 15 pounds. Apparently I'll be logging my food for life. Sigh.

    I usually have no problem with the workout part as I really enjoy being active. But I have to log my food.
    Otherwise, left to my own devices my food intake can get pretty out of control!

    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    bkw995 - keep strong today and that scale will continue to reward you - NICELY DONE!

    1968samuel - I do better when I log, too. It's now a "habit" so I don't "hate it" like I did when I first started doing it.

    Being fit has its own reward, right??!?!?!?!?!?
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    BKW - Congratulations!!! That is fantastic!!! :flowerforyou:

    Dame - :laugh: Yes, I feel your pain!

    Since restarting back on MFP over the summer I've lost 15 pounds. Apparently I'll be logging my food for life. Sigh.

    I usually have no problem with the workout part as I really enjoy being active. But I have to log my food.
    Otherwise, left to my own devices my food intake can get pretty out of control!

    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone!!

    I just started MFP recently (well, fairly) and I already have a feeling I will have the same issue. But hey... at least it's here! :)
  • 1968samuel
    1968samuel Posts: 176 Member
    Beeps - You're absolutely right. Being fit definitely has it's own rewards. No question about it!

    Dame - Honestly I wouldn't trade the wonderful people I've met on here for anything. I may find logging a pain but hey, it works! Who knew?! :wink:

    And let's face it, if it works I might as well keep at it - no reason to stop now!

    Have a great evening!!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Wednesday all!

    I feel like logging has basically become second nature now. I can't imagine not doing it. I still have a ways to go in my weight loss journey, but I will probably continue to log when I am at maintenance. I feel like it gives a good sense of exactly what I am eating and then I have to think about whether or not I really need it. Whatever works because Lord knows I don't want to go back to where I was!!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Happy Wednesday!!! :drinker: :drinker: It is a rainy, cold day here!!! Cold to our normal temps. :laugh: Getting ready to do a quick legs (challenge) and abs workout. I teach Zumba tonight.

    It definitely helps me log my foods. sometimes it can still be a drag especially when it something homemade and I have to calculate the calories. I tend to eat poorly when I don't. Or I eat less than I should. I've noticed when I eat clean and log I am under 1500 and I should be eating more especially when I lift.

    Have a great day!!! :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Today I *do* get to lift! Yay!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all,

    Had internet connections issues all day on Monday and yesterday I let the day get away from me.

    Kellysue, I am sorry for your loss. That is tough.

    All the talk about logging and I could not agree more. Having said that, I have not logged my food in over 2 months, and it shows! I stopped when I was doing my reset and then never got back into it, and I really need to start!

    Ran on the weekend and was in terrible pain afterwards. Have been using my foam roller and it hurts like a b**ch whe I do, but at least I can walk without pain and limping. Did get my lifting in yesterday and can sure feel it today, especially in my behind.

    Despite all the thanksgiving leftovers! much of which I gave away, clean eAting and logging starts today.

    Am home sick today....not sure what hit me.....probably menopause crap, but will try and do some sort of workout at home if I feel a bit better later on.
  • bkw99508
    bkw99508 Posts: 204 Member
    I have GREAT news!

    Although today is not my official weigh in, and by tomorrow I might be back up in the 200s, the scale gave me a great Tuesday morning.

    ***199**** Woo hoo

    It's official! Woo Hoo!!!!!!
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    welcome to onederland BK! woo hoo!

    I can't imagine not logging lol I would still think about how much I was eating but not actually putting it in, I know I would eat too much!

    Alf- I have started putting my own recipes in! Stuff that I make a lot. So much simpler that digging thru the database!

    Kids are still coughing, but no fever's today! yay! I may go for a hike later. I am itching to get back to my exercise! Gonna take it slow though thru the weekend so I don't get down and out again!

    Sorry you are not well Sdreski. It is going around!

    Happy HUMP DAY! Take care Cool Kids! ; )
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member

    Well I fell victim to that horrible flu/cold going around... full on chill and fever and slept for 19 hrs! Now I'm all achey and have the chest congestion that hurts to cough. =( I'm a walking billboard for Vick's vapour rub at the moment but I love this stuff.

    BK - awesome!! Congrats on busting into onderland! Keep at it =)

    KellySue - sorry for your loss.

    Needless to say, the only thing I have planned for the day is fluids and crosswords!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Sdereski, I hope you get better. What did you hurt when you were running? I dont foam roll enough as I should but when I do there are so many places I am so stiff. I need to do it more often. I also gained when I stopped logging my foods. I am seeing a big difference when I started over a month ago.

    princessofred, thanks for the tip but I hardly cook the same often. I dont prepare the same salads either or eat the same amounts etc I guess I am making it harder on myself.

    Whatabroad, I hope you get better soon. My husband and I got the flu shot a few wks ago but I havent taken my son to get it. :noway: :grumble:

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    sdereski - you hurt WHERE from the run??!?!??! That sounds NOT like you, at all...

    princessofred - I do take "logging breaks" when I'm traveling....but that's about it.

    WhataBroad - sorry you are feeling under the weather - get well soon!

    Alf - post some pictures!

    I had a good lifting session. Wasn't hungry at all, after. Then, about 2 hours later, I was RAVENOUS. I have it under control, now....but, it was a bit of a gong show since I'd missed lunch-bistro-hours (since I was at the gym lifting...) and only had chocolate-covered-almonds, tahari almonds and protein bars at my disposal.

    Oh, and mandarin oranges...love me some mandarins!
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    Hi, HELP PLEASE , mfp is full of wonderful advice, often very conflicting though as there really is no one size fits all etc....One of the common themes relates to calories and eat more to lose and though I agree with the principles of this, as someone over 40 with a very sedately job (and a dislike for extensive housework plus no little kids to run around after) I am really not sure what I should be eating calorie wise and what exercise is the best for my age!!!!
    And I know I am getting this all wrong as I am simply not losing anything worthwhile and I am sure I don't have an underlying medical condition. I don't have a huge amount to lose and I do eat reasonably so it is not a case of giving up a food type (soda, pizza etc) to see a great losss lol.
    I suppose what I am asking is for advice from other women in their 40s (or older) and what changes worked for you?
    What calories do you eat when working to lose (I am 5"3 and currently 148 lb)?
    What exercise had the greatest impact while still being practical to commit too? I have access to a council gym but hate gyms so I use mainly for classes (zumba/pilates/body balance )and swimming and I also run, though only around 3k each time at the moment as I had a hip injury and have had to take it slow once I started up again. The gym does have body pump/CRworx and similar classes so I could access those too but I need to keep the pilates due to controlling my hip problem.

    I do have a basic weight set at home and a bench plus a kettle bell though I have never used the weights (they are hubbys) and I had to stop the kettlebell when my hip went and I am a little wary of restarting that one.

    Help please
  • Luvmichnata
    Luvmichnata Posts: 186 Member
    I want in too please-before you bump me to the 50+ group :) I'm Amy and I am 48, married with two teenage daughters now a freshman and a senior! I led I pretty sedentary lifestyle up until last September after my annual physical. I am 5'4" and at that visit I was 149lbs and got the doc lecture about menopause coming soon with another 10lbs to add :( I immediately changed my diet after that and after so much apprehension about workout dvd's ordered and started JM Body Revolution and got my daughters to join in. Since then I have used my favorite-kettlebells and had my husband set up his old high school lifting equipment in our basement and I am lifting the heavy metal now too! I am down to 133lbs on my best day and hover there up about 3 lbs on a bad day. I've recently slipped a little, got out of my routine after a late summer vacation, hosting a foreign exchange student from Italy and then got sick. I am really trying to get motivated to get back to my routine of 3xweek lifting and some cardio in between occasionally. I have to say my 40+ friends have been the most inspiring to me and the most supportive so I am actually widdling down some other inactive friends and really would love some more 40+ active friends to connect with and keep me motivated and I'll do the same in return! Best of luck to you all-this really is the best time of our lives!
  • weaving2fast
    weaving2fast Posts: 64 Member
    40+ here and doing my best to get healthy. Spent my 20s and 30s abusing my body and mind but I'm ready to be an adult now. I'm living clean now!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    jonnyman - if you REALLY want to hear what I have to say, then PM me....I'd be happy to answer, privately!

    Hi to luvmich and weaving!

    Today I am having lunch with an old business colleague...everytime we go for lunch he tries to "sell me" something. So, I HATE THIS....ugh.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi All,

    Welcome new comers!

    Alf and Beeps - the pain is in my right hip, rotating to the front. I do believe this is a result of running the 25k trail run (undulating trail) and not being properly trained. I really have not run much and I do believe that although I did okay, I pushed my body to run 25k when I had not run more than 8-10k in months!

    On some exciting news.........my husband and I are going to run the Stockholm marathon in May 2014! :bigsmile: Am SO excited!! This is a marathon I have wanted to do for years. It will be nice to do it with my husband as his family (mother's side) is Swedish and has many relatives in Finland/Sweden. Trust me, I will be training well for this one. :happy:
  • mousemom18
    mousemom18 Posts: 172 Member
    Awww heck, I just found this thread. A lot of excellent posts here.

    Hello cool people. Sorry I couldn't stay.

    I'm turning 50 tomorrow.

    Guess I'd better go find that thread.