40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Hey Cool Kids! I did some aerobics this morning. It was still too dark and chilly this morning. It got me sweating though!! Jake was at the house this morning and we played with blocks for a bit before I had to leave for work. He likes it when I build them up so he can knock them down!

    Have a good day all!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi Cool kids!
    Wonderful to see so many people posting on a regular basis! Welcome to all the new cool kids!

    Beeps - saw the list of your allergies. Wowzer! You would NOT survive where I live...literally in the woods. I too suffer from allergies. Mine hit in my mid 30s. Was on shots for about a year which helped tremendously! Still suffer in the spring / fall, especially on a windy day.

    Had a great long weekend away. Nice visit with my brother and SIL. My brother and I went on a great 2+hour bike ride on Friday. Friday afternoon, headed to my girlfriend's place and we went to pick up our race bibs for Saturday.
    The 25K trail run was awesome! It would have been even more so had I trained! Despite the lack of training, I finished in 3 hours. Not too shabby. beautiful albeit hilly run.
    Eating was actually really good while away.....but total failure on the trip home!

    Back to logging my food. Started following my reset diet again. And........back to the gym to lift!
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    thanks for the welcome, sdereski!
    I sure like this topic... it really IS cool kids in here! :-D

    So I've come to the conclusion that another benefit of drinking a vat of water a day is all the walking to and from the bathroom it causes. I do believe I burn nearly as many calories doing that as working out!

    edited to change 'today' to 'a day' because... well, just because.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Yes, my allergies aren't sniffling/sneezing stuff....they produce asthma attacks! Much better to just "keep away" from all things allergic, lol.

    I had a perfect lunch all lined up. 540 calories. Then, because it was my EA's birthday, she wanted to "split" a white-chocolate brownie. I said "sure"!

    That ONE-HALF of that brownie was 890 CALORIES.


    Okay, officially, I'm done. Can't eat anymore because this is just f*cking koo-koo...........

    There is NO way I'm going to undo all the effort I made during all those weeks off lifting. NO WAY. So, gonna try and skip all food through to my lunch-time protein shake tomorrow. Diet coke it is!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Wow Beeps! That is just INSANE! 890 cals in HALF? That should be illegal. Gah!

    My allergies also brought on attacks. I carried an inhaler always. I ended up in emerg more times than I care to admit requiring a ventalin treatment. That is where the shots helped me....slowly building up antibodies. Now, it is the itching, sneezing, runny nose stuff that occurs in spring and fall.

    Lifted today. Am gonna be sore tomorrow. I know it.
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    They are changing the carpeting in my office building. Ever since they brought the damn things in the building on pallets, my entire body itches. I have been living on benedryl. God knows what kind of chemicals they treat that carpeting with, but I am miserable.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Fellow allergy sufferers unite! Lol! I have had allegies all my life and asthma as a child- which I apparently outgrew as I got older. Ragweed, pollen, dust, mold, those white fuzzies that fly around in the fall, pet dander, dog saliva... probably a few more things too! Allergy medicine here I come! I take it for sevefal days at a time when I have a flare up, but don't like to take it everyday because it makes my nose and stuff too dry.

    Sdereski- glad to hear that your 25k trail run went well.

    Beeps- OMG on the brownie business! It would have gotten me too! I have admit I have more than a bit of a sweet tooth!

    Rest day for me today, but will be spending time at the gym tomorrow. I don't have to be to work until 11:15. It means that I don't get done until around 8pm, but it's only once a month so I guess I will survive!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    padams - carpeting has to be the worst! New carpets even worse. There is a ton of chemicals in them...you can smell it a mile away.
    Certainly hope things improve for you. That's awful!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    I'm firmly back on the "no dessert" train....I've obviously ingested WAY TOO MANY BAD CARBS over the last days because I'm craving BAD CARBS like insanity!

    So, full on "no carbs" for awhile....after 3- days, I won't even miss 'em, but it'll be a tough 3 days, no dice.

    Today, I ilft!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Beeps, no carbs at all? As in no fruits and veggies either? sweets are my downfall. I would love to do a no sugar challenge!!! As in no added sugar, you know cakes, ice cream, etc. It is my niece's bday party this Sat and I am already thinking about the cake!!! I also know they will have all sorts of chips, etc another biggie for me!!

    Zumba tonight. I also did my exercises for my butt challenge (wall sits and one leg bridges) along with standing weighted leg raises. Did some foam rolling, I wish I could get it in my head to do it more often.

    Have a wonderful day!!!! :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • tracikinder
    44 here! Want to be in this club!
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Hi all! It's community center gym Wednesday! Although I'd prefer to cut the grass, walk, cook dinner and work out at home I will still go. :P
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    44 here! Want to be in this club!

    Congratulations!!! You're in!! :-D Welcome, Cool Kid!
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member

    sdereski - 25k trail run, that's awesome!

    Beeps - holy crap @ that brownie!! I hope you savoured every. little. bite. =) good luck to you on the no carb thing, been there done that and I was miserable!! lol I do understand what you mean though by having some and then craving more and more. Vicious cycle and totally unfair dammit!!

    alf - you're gonna have buns of steel after that challenge is over! I fell in love with my foam roller this past summer during my 1/2 marathon training... I bet it felt sooooo good on your hamstrings and glutes =)

    Dame - enjoy your workout!

    I recently lost my Jawbone Up and I sure am missing the 45 minute reminders to get up from my desk for a stretch and walk around... I need to set up a timer on my computer. Maybe one of those crazy pop out and scare the crap outta you GIFs, lol. No, probably not a good idea ;)

    It's a rest day for me so just a nice long walk after work today.
  • purplestarchild
    purplestarchild Posts: 3 Member
    Roll call introduction! I'm 45, been using MFP since January 29th, 2013. Lost 65 pounds so far, went from size 26/28 to now an 18/20. Started at 285, now 220. 5'7, married - adult kids OUT of my home. :) I love them. I love them being gone lol....... I can still be the Mom, but a Mom of an adult is so different - and now I can focus more on me. :) Zumba is my form of exercise, and I love it. 3-4 times per week. Right now, averaging around 1400-1500 calories per day, with 1600 limit. I wish everyone the best!
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    43 years old, married, father of 2 little boys, living in Ohio. I have never been obese, but have been 20-25 pounds heavier at certain stages of my life.

    I started on MFP a few months ago to fine-tune my diet and maintain, but ended up losing 10 lbs when I realized how badly I was actually eating and made a few changes! I am into traditional fitness, weights and running, and have never got caught up in any trends. I've been training for a full marathon later this month.

    I’m here every day, logging food and exercise, and hope that my application to this club will be approved!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    I'm totally fine with going off-carbs for awhile. I've survived it before, and I will, again.

    I'm totally glad I'm not running a marathon.

    Had a good lifting session....and am currently reading some mfp threads on whether bf% really "matters". Hmmmmmm....
  • 1968samuel
    1968samuel Posts: 176 Member
    Happy Wednesday everyone!

    puplestarchi - Congratulations on your weight loss so far! Great work! :flowerforyou:

    sderski - Wow!! 25k trail run!! How awesome is that?!

    beeps - I'm going to be dreaming about that brownie!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all,

    Welcome bw. Good luck with your marathon training.

    Beeps, I would have a difficult time going off carbs....but I know I need to.

    Am a bit sore today after my lifting yesterday. Had planned to run, but ended up taking my granddaughter for a walk. Tough work pushing that stroller with her in it. It's a good workout! Had a fun time with her as she entertained me with her chatter.

    I need to get back on track with my eating. Agh! Do well all day and blow it at night. :grumble:
  • BDOUG2371
    BDOUG2371 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm 42 and way overweight. 24 years ago when I graduated High School I thought I was fat THEN. I was 220 lbs! Now I am 375 and aching and out of breath a lot and can't find motivation to fight off my urges to eat unhealthy. I've tried a thousand times to start losing but I get to 20 lbs lost and go back downhill.......Anyone else been here?