40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    Welcome to all the new and smiling faces!

    Kinda dull here past week lol kids were sick and are getting better- glad to have them back at tae kwon do class!

    My turn! Sore throat 3 days now! ugh. Trying not to tear my tummy up but cannot stand just laying around! So it's Fresh ginger, lemon and honey in tea, mostly liquid diet except for my eggs and toast and alternating Motrin and Excedrin to dull the head ache and sore throat!

    I am going to go for a walk today (walk my zombie run) and see how that feels, no super cardio and just don't have the strength for weights right now! Sucks! lol Should be back to form by the weekend!

    It is a lovely fall here in AZ. 40's at night, and 70's during the day!

    Hubby's b-day on the 29th then Halloween fun! We still have not decided what we will dress up as yet this year! We may do the avengers again! ; )

    Take care cool kids and keep it rocking!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    I've never done a "10-to-1-circuit" in a lifting work-out before, but it was in mine, today!

    So, first I did 3 other exercises (3 x 12 reps) and then the circuit was:

    deadlifts (I chose American deadlifts)
    one armed DB row
    curl + press

    So, you do 10 of each (without resting), then take as LITTLE a rest as you can, do 9 of each (without resting), take as LITTLE as you can, then 8, 7...down to 1.

    Well, I *quit* the deadlifts and T-bends at "3", although I did 10-to-1 of everything else.

    I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BEAT, it isn't even funny! Can hardly keep my eyes open and I have a board meeting tonight, lol.

    I can FEEL all my muscles!

    I hope I'm recovered enough to do a Friday work-out!


  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    Fierce workout, Beeps! I would love to get the kind of definition you have in your arms/shoulders, but that's gonna be a lot more work. Oh well, Rome wasn't built in a day....

    princess, sorry to hear you're under the weather--hope your walk went OK.
    KellySue, I forgot to compliment you on your photos in your other thread--you look great!

    Alf, I tried Zumba yesterday! It was a bit odd, probably because it was at my office gym. I am not used to a dance class where nobody is hooting and hollering--everyone was just staring at themselves in the mirror and dancing very seriously. Even the teacher was awfully quiet during class, despite being very perky/chatty before and after. Oh well. The dancing itself was a lot of fun, though.

    My NSV for the day--so far the only people at work who've said anything about my weight loss are immediate coworkers, or admins in our department. Today someone who I would define as a "mean girl/popular girl" (were I so tacky as to use junior high school terms, cough cough) actually complimented me! I was pretty amazed she even noticed.
  • 1968samuel
    1968samuel Posts: 176 Member
    Wow Beeps! I really needed your post today! I'm always a little reluctant to go to the gym on my lifting days, but one look at your arms and suddenly I'm thinking "lift more!" Great work!

    I know I need to do more strength training and add some yoga (hi alf!) but I'm still very much a work in progress in those areas. Maybe someday I'll get it all figured out!

    Have a good night everyone!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Thursday Cool Kids!! I lifted yesterday and am making today my rest day since I don't have a vehicle today. As I said before, I am trying to focus more on arms and abs- my trouble areas. It was a good workout and I plan on getting there again on Saturday.

    It is chilly here right now. It was 38(f) on my way into work this morning, and while it didn't snow here, some places up closer to Lake Ontario have gotten their first lake effect snow! Blah! Definitely not ready for this kind of weather yet!

    Have a great day!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    RM10003 - I have tried zumba. I've always liked the music, but I don't seem to be able to "get" the steps without that aural cue (i.e. like I get in step-aerobics class!). So, I leave zumba to the practitioners who know what they are doing!

    1968samuel - if you *know* you have to do more strength, just go do it! I did have to drop much of my beloved cardio to make the necessary time for strength....I'm pretty satisfied (2 years later!) that I made the right choice after 25+ years as a cardio-gym-rat!

    KellySue - it's gonna snow HERE on Saturday and Sunday. We are in full-fledged "put the bikes away!", "take down the basketball hoop!", "put the flower-pots away!" mode, here....

    Today is "This-is-NOT-going-in-my-mouth-THURSDAY!" - go GET it, 40+ 'ers
  • sepulchura
    sepulchura Posts: 95 Member
    something about my being 45 years old makes me think I should probably check in to this thread.
  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    Hit my goal weight this morning--BOOYAH! Now to decide whether to stop here, or keep going a while...
    I have a long weekend of eating ahead of me so I know I'll have work to do next week.
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    Good Morning Cool Kids...

    Beeps - you are looking hella fabulous!! I have a 'pyramid' HIIT workout like that in my rotation, it is an awesome, firing on all cylinders workout for sure!

    RM - WOOHOOO, that is fantastic!! I think you should just do what you feel is good for you... stick to how you feel instead of a weight now. You may find that as you get into maintenance and you keep doing your workouts, you will continue to lose.

    After battling through this flu/cold thing for the last week, I tested out my lungs yesterday after work and went for an easy run... was good and actually my chest feels more open today. YAY! I got my lifting in this morning, I get to add on weights to a couple of my lifts next time, YAY for progress!!

    I started a 16/8 IF protocol a couple weeks ago now and I must say, I am really enjoying it. I was doing the 3 meals and 2 snack thing up until then and felt like I was always eating, although small meals, it was still just a constant, mindless task. Now, I don't feel like a slave to the diet and I actually like to have my tummy growl at me at around 11 am. Anyone else doing IF?
  • bkw99508
    bkw99508 Posts: 204 Member
    Fierce workout, Beeps! I would love to get the kind of definition you have in your arms/shoulders, but that's gonna be a lot more work. Oh well, Rome wasn't built in a day....

    This ^^^^

    Your arms are killer.
  • jlaplount
    jlaplount Posts: 14 Member
    Beeps - you're an inspiration to us all! Honestly, I wasn't doing any lifting until after reading several of your posts over many weeks. Now, I go at least 3 times a week, usually 4, and get in a solid 60 minutes of lifting. Surprisingly, (although it shouldn't have been a surprise at all) I was still losing weight. I no longer judge my progress on my weight alone, but more by the reflection in the mirror. I had a goal of 165 (I'm only 5'8") but i've adjusted that to 170. My reflection in the mirror is telling me that I'm in better shape and I've taken some measurements that show I'm slimming down. My new goal is 170 since I'm definitely adding more muscle weight.

    To those of you who are a bit skiddish to hit the weight room, I was the same way. I didn't know what I was doing, didn't really have a plan, etc. But I've found that the people there are very helpful and if you maintain good gym etiquette, you will easily fit in. There is a lot of respect at my YMCA for those of us that are there on a regular basis. There is a group there that are being coached by a guy (I call him Muscle Head but his name is Aaron) and he even stopped over and explained how I should improve form on one lift. Didn't ask, he just volunteered the knowledge.

    On the weather front....it was 28 on the way to the gym the other morning....ugh. Show up in the dark, leave in the dark. That is probably the most de-motivating factor of all!

    Keep pushing all you 40+ ers!!
  • LetsTryThisAgain54
    LetsTryThisAgain54 Posts: 381 Member
    Would love to be part of this circle of friends. This looks like a great place to be and not like the typical crap on the Chit-Chat board. :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    WhataBroad - I don't know if what I am "doing" is called "intermittent fasting" or "intermittent feeding", but for over-a-year, now, I don't eat from 8 pm (-ish) to 12:30 pm the following day. (And, to add to that, I work-out "fasted" everyday that I work-out since my work-outs are BEFORE 12:30 pm!)

    jlaplount - I found my own inspiration to lift heavy weights here on mfp, too...there's TONS of peeps who can show, with pictures!, that lifting weights gets the shape that I am after!

    Welcome to the newbies! Stick around....it's a fun "club" to join!
  • carolachristensen
    Count me in!! I want to be cool!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello Cool Kids!!!! :drinker: :drinker: I lift this afternoon, after work.

    Beeps, is there a picture of you? For some reason the pictures are not opening. I am using my computer at work. But I do know that you have been pretty loyal to lifting heavy. Hard work pays off!!!! Cheers to you!!! :drinker: I too have stopped doing so much cardio. My only cardio now is Zumba and that is only 2 times a week. The rest of the time I lift (3x a week) and Bikram, once a week. I lift at home and dont have a barbell. I use my Bowflex select tech dumbbells.

    RM, congrats on hitting your goal!!!! I would suggest you continue doing what has worked for you in order to maintain. It is very easy to get comfortable again. :ohwell: No hooting and hollering in Zumba??? OMG I would have been soooo bored or have been so loud people would have stared at me. I hoot and holler in my class from beginning to end, well, not during the stretch song, but I am still smiling. LOL If you can try another instructor.

    Whatabroad, I am doing Intermittent fasting too!!!!! I do 16/8, 11am to 7pm. I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do it most days of the week, Mon to Sat. I dont on Sunday because my husband loves to cook me breakfast so I decided that is a good day to skip although I stop eating by 7pm, usually earlier. I also still watch what I eat especially after the big breakfast I eat.

    Have an awesome day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Beeps!!! I saw the picture now!! Your body has changed so much since I saw pics of you when we were doing that challenge at the other site. Awesome!!!! :drinker: :drinker: And you ARE doing IF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!! Let's share our experiences with others!!! I am trying to follow Lean Gains guidelines, want to figure out my TDEE, etc. I cannot eat so much anymore, I wish I could.
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    Welcome newcomers! =)

    I have been inspired by so many beautiful, bad *kitten*, heavy lifting women on here and am lucky to have a few on my friends list to provide feedback, tips and just all around awesomeness! My focus is on strength training now but I am still running 3 times a week, because I really do enjoy it and it's abundance of health benefits. Running gave me a pancake *kitten* but lifting is rounding that booty out now! =P

    Beeps, I think in many ways intermittent fasting and intermittent feeding are interchangeable... all I know is that it works for me! My schedule is noon/1pm to 8/9pm, with the last feeding being a glass of milk or some casein protein to feed them muscles during the fast. My morning lifting/walks are fasted and my first meal takes me through my after work run/HIIT.

    alf - I am following the Lean Gains method as well and use this calculator to get my macros for the work/rest day carb cycle, if you are doing that too. http://sareyko.net/leancalc

    and love the shoes Beeps! I have a pair of pink hightop Converse for my lifting =P
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    Yep, Alf, it's been 2 years of heavy-lifting and decreased cardio and I'm MUCH happier with how my figure looks, NOW!

    WhataBroad - my VANS are FUCHSIA! I *love* em!!
  • Salty_Sauce
    Salty_Sauce Posts: 1,329 Member
    Can I join too ? I'm looking for some new friends too.
  • solobiker
    What an awesome workout Beeps. I may try that tomorrow. Today for me was a 3.5 mile run then after doing some house cleaning did some weights in the basement with a focus on squats, lunges and calves. I would love to lift more but I also love love love my cardio. I spend most weekends up in the mountains hiking, biking and backcountry skiing so I think I need to keep up my stamina. Hope everyone is doing great.