TeamPurple Member


  • I missed last weekend since I was sick for a day an crazy busy for the other however I didn't cheat and was well under my calorie/carb allowance. When I track, I track everything. I'm the crazy one in the house that insists on weighing everything that goes into a recipe; When we make adjustments to recipes, i'll record it…
  • I have it open to friends but I will change the privacy. I read the r/keto guide before starting and regularly turn to the calculator since then to check the progress prediction. According to it I should be on track but it's just discouraging that one of my housemates has already dropped 7 kg so far. We had the same…
  • I've started keto 3 weeks ago. At first there was a bit of guess work and then i started cal counting but the amazing fat lost everyone is boasting is still a no show. I'm only expecting to lose about 2 kg /4.4 pounds a month but I am still somewhat worried as to if I am doing this right or not. I'm glad I found this post…
  • I have a couple of android app that do that. I recently bought Sworkit pro since it syncs with mfp and that one also had the7 min work out; The cool part is that you can set the number of rep you want to do. My diet plan is based on being quite sedentary so any exercise I manage to squeeze is good. The app is under 1€…