

  • ADD ME. . .
  • add me. . .i drink water. . .i force myself
  • I'm doing Biggest Loser and Wii Fit and its been 2 days I started eating healthy since Monday i'm not crazy i'm feeling more energy by the day. .. But I just also join PF and I start Monday. . .I'm going be right for the Summer and healthy for my family family and i'm Pumped. . . .
  • Hello, this is my first time trying to stick with a diet, I've tried so many times, I want to lose 100 pounds but being realistic right now and trying for 50 for now. . . I'm a 32 yr old mom with 3 kids and work in the hospital as Patient Registration and you know that requires many hours of just sitting. . .But now today…
  • Hello, this is my first time trying to stick with a diet, I've tried so many times, I want to lose 100 pounds but being realistic right now and trying for 50 for now. . . I'm a 32 yr old mom with 3 kids and work in the hospital as Patient Registration and you know that requires many hours of just sitting. . .But now today…