

  • The Shakeology stuff does taste pretty bad. I got a sample packet of the chocolate one from my cousin and all I could taste after the initial hit of somewhat-chocolate-tasting-stuff was the horrible "fake" sweetener taste (I know it is stevia and whatnot, but they could have used dehydrated honey or some other natural…
  • crisp critter
  • Actually, I closed down my Facebook account quite a while ago. I found that it provided nothing useful in my life and was a huge time drain. I am so much happier now that I don't have Facebook in my life. The bonus is that I don't have to see, and am not tempted by, recipes people post.
  • Hi redredy9 - I think what they were saying that the Whole Life Challenge is similar in name but not related to the Whole30/Whole9Life people, not that Whole30 and Whole9Life were unrelated.
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