

  • Cool fun! What breed of horse I own/ride? My little bay project is an American Quarter Horse mare named Chance. Full name Destiny's 3rd Chance. What style of riding? Western with a classical foundation. I have a background in dressage which I find transfer nicely to good Western riding. And anything else you might want to…
  • As I explained earlier, I am a recovering food addict. At 5'2", I weighed 210 pounds in 2010. I got help and down to 180. I ended up in a "second wave" and joined MFP and went on and off for a little over a year. I am still at 180 so while stuffing my face for emo reasons, I still maintained. That's the only blessing. Now,…
  • Yes, I have a bad relationship with food. I am in counseling and working on it. I became obese consuming up to 3,000 calories a day while in my emotional eating phase. That is why when I am not sure I am hungry, I error on the side of not eating. However, when I eat for Fuel Only I find getting to that 1,200 calorie mark…
  • I find it very difficult to eat 1200 calories, actually. I often have to throw in a beer or ice cream to do it. I actually lowered my allotment to 1,000 so I wouldn't have to fill up on empty calories, but then my body held on to everything. So, adding more protein and seeing if that makes it easier. Best way to say it,…
  • Hi! I'm 38, had my tubes tied at 26, and there are no regrets. It was like body and brain were finally on the same page! I did not get married until I was 32 and people often made remarks about the ticking clock and what not, and I would find myself kind of gleeful as I was in on a joke where they did not know the punch…