Feeling guilty of eating 1200 calories



  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    You know.... it really bothers me when people get on these threads and do not give helpful advice. This site is suppose to help motivate and support people and a lot of people get on these and do not offer any help or support at all. Or they bash other advice people give. I just don't get why people do that. How can you bash other advice when you have none to offer yourself! Just my option....

    Well, the OP didn't actually ask for advice, she just asked if we felt guilty, and we discussed why it is bad to feel guilty about food. That's pretty much it. There was a side discussion in which one person gave terrible and wrong advice which the rest of us tried to dispel. As far as support for the OP, we answered her question and gave it.

    It's a generalization......... again with the negativity! Also, the topic is posted in "motivation and support". I'm not saying 1200 cals is good or bad, it's just the fact that a lot of people are very negative about certain topics. AND there a lot of people on MFP who do utilize a 1200 cal goal and are successful in both losing weight and being healthy just as there are people you utilize a 1200 cal goal and are not healthy. It goes both ways!

    Yes, and nobody has disputed that. I just don't see what support we were supposed to give without being negative to the person who insisted that nobody should ever eat more than 1400 calories. Are we supposed to let that misinformation just sit there without challenging it? I don't think so.
    BHKLEIN Posts: 104
    You know.... it really bothers me when people get on these threads and do not give helpful advice. This site is suppose to help motivate and support people and a lot of people get on these and do not offer any help or support at all. Or they bash other advice people give. I just don't get why people do that. How can you bash other advice when you have none to offer yourself! Just my option....

    Well, the OP didn't actually ask for advice, she just asked if we felt guilty, and we discussed why it is bad to feel guilty about food. That's pretty much it. There was a side discussion in which one person gave terrible and wrong advice which the rest of us tried to dispel. As far as support for the OP, we answered her question and gave it.

    It's a generalization......... again with the negativity! Also, the topic is posted in "motivation and support". I'm not saying 1200 cals is good or bad, it's just the fact that a lot of people are very negative about certain topics. AND there a lot of people on MFP who do utilize a 1200 cal goal and are successful in both losing weight and being healthy just as there are people you utilize a 1200 cal goal and are not healthy. It goes both ways!

    Yes, and nobody has disputed that. I just don't see what support we were supposed to give without being negative to the person who insisted that nobody should ever eat more than 1400 calories. Are we supposed to let that misinformation just sit there without challenging it? I don't think so.

    I did see that post and she did clearly state that was her opinion and what she's been taught. Does that make her right, no not for everyone it doesn't apply. Again, it was her opinion! Also I don't believe the person who posted this is the same person who started this thread! The support, motivation, advice, guidence should be directly to the person who posted this. Picking arguments with other postees, like you are doing right now, is a waste of time that could be used to help support other MFP individuals that are needing it. So go ahead and post some smart remark back..... it seems like you get your kicks off this. I'm moving on to other people who I can help support.
  • Yes, I have a bad relationship with food. I am in counseling and working on it. I became obese consuming up to 3,000 calories a day while in my emotional eating phase. That is why when I am not sure I am hungry, I error on the side of not eating.

    However, when I eat for Fuel Only I find getting to that 1,200 calorie mark very difficult unless I add whole fats. Simple reason being, I don't feel that hungry. It is normally more than that as for the last two weeks, I have had the 1,200 calorie target plus whatever I get from exercising, which is at least one hour a day including yoga, aerobic and/or strength training and riding my horse. So my consumption is normally at least 1,200 plus a little to cover the exercise.

    I see a lot of this "eat more" idea going around more. It is interesting because we are a very sedentary society so I see people who need to eat less, not more--or at least eat better. However, the whole "You need to eat more!" still reeks of memories of my in-laws at Thanksgiving pushing more stuffing and potatoes on me while I sat there with sore knees and 100 extra pounds. Food pushing makes me pretty angry. Given the nature of my addiction, that is not unreasonable.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    You know.... it really bothers me when people get on these threads and do not give helpful advice. This site is suppose to help motivate and support people and a lot of people get on these and do not offer any help or support at all. Or they bash other advice people give. I just don't get why people do that. How can you bash other advice when you have none to offer yourself! Just my option....

    Well, the OP didn't actually ask for advice, she just asked if we felt guilty, and we discussed why it is bad to feel guilty about food. That's pretty much it. There was a side discussion in which one person gave terrible and wrong advice which the rest of us tried to dispel. As far as support for the OP, we answered her question and gave it.

    It's a generalization......... again with the negativity! Also, the topic is posted in "motivation and support". I'm not saying 1200 cals is good or bad, it's just the fact that a lot of people are very negative about certain topics. AND there a lot of people on MFP who do utilize a 1200 cal goal and are successful in both losing weight and being healthy just as there are people you utilize a 1200 cal goal and are not healthy. It goes both ways!

    Yes, and nobody has disputed that. I just don't see what support we were supposed to give without being negative to the person who insisted that nobody should ever eat more than 1400 calories. Are we supposed to let that misinformation just sit there without challenging it? I don't think so.

    I did see that post and she did clearly state that was her opinion and what she's been taught. Does that make her right, no not for everyone it doesn't apply. Again, it was her opinion! Also I don't believe the person who posted this is the same person who started this thread! The support, motivation, advice, guidence should be directly to the person who posted this. Picking arguments with other postees, like you are doing right now, is a waste of time that could be used to help support other MFP individuals that are needing it. So go ahead and post some smart remark back..... it seems like you get your kicks off this. I'm moving on to other people who I can help support.

    People are free to post his or her opinions. However, when they are providing incorrect information, it is important to correct it. Why? Because a person could read it, take it as a fact and then run with it. Only to return later and start a thread, wondering why they are not reaching their goal.
    BHKLEIN Posts: 104
    I see what you mean. You're referring to

    "Or they bash other advice people give. I just don't get why people do that. How can you bash other advice when you have none to offer yourself! Just my option.... "

    I'm not referring to bad advice... I'm generalizing here. Don't take it so literal. It's not just this thread. Some people give really good advice and other people pick it to shreds just because they can. Example: some people ask advice on how to exercise to help there tummy slim down. Some people post exercises that specifically help to target the tummy area and then other people quote that advice and pick it apart. Any advice is just an option unless you have a degree or science to back it up. The girl who posted the 1200-1400 is just referring to what her co-workers told her as advice most likely for herself, she might have just not been specific enough.

    All I'm saying is that people should be more helpful to the people who actually post the topic. Far too often I see really negative people not helping or supporting others. Also, it doesn't make her completely wrong stating what she said, it just doesn't apply to everyone.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    I see what you mean. You're referring to

    "Or they bash other advice people give. I just don't get why people do that. How can you bash other advice when you have none to offer yourself! Just my option.... "

    I'm not referring to bad advice... I'm generalizing here. Don't take it so literal. It's not just this thread. Some people give really good advice and other people pick it to shreds just because they can. Example: some people ask advice on how to exercise to help there tummy slim down. Some people post exercises that specifically help to target the tummy area and then other people quote that advice and pick it apart. Any advice is just an option unless you have a degree or science to back it up. The girl who posted the 1200-1400 is just referring to what her co-workers told her as advice most likely for herself, she might have just not been specific enough.

    All I'm saying is that people should be more helpful to the people who actually post the topic. Far too often I see really negative people not helping or supporting others. Also, it doesn't make her completely wrong stating what she said, it just doesn't apply to everyone.

    No. That is not the comment I was referring to....

    Point missed. :ohwell:
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I did see that post and she did clearly state that was her opinion and what she's been taught. Does that make her right, no not for everyone it doesn't apply. Again, it was her opinion! Also I don't believe the person who posted this is the same person who started this thread! The support, motivation, advice, guidence should be directly to the person who posted this. Picking arguments with other postees, like you are doing right now, is a waste of time that could be used to help support other MFP individuals that are needing it. So go ahead and post some smart remark back..... it seems like you get your kicks off this. I'm moving on to other people who I can help support.

    Well, you are the one who chose to engage and point this out about how we are being so negative and non-helpful, so, you are the one who picked the argument. I try to be very helpful to people day in and day out and explain over and over again how MFP works, how it calculates your calorie needs, etc. because I think it is very important for people to understand how this tool works in order to get the best results and not be: 1) hungry 2) doing themselves damage, among other things. Do I like to kid around sometimes, sure. So do many others here. But okay, go ahead and think you are superior and more helpful because you so clearly are serious and never joke around.
  • HRLaurie614
    HRLaurie614 Posts: 260 Member
    My BMR is 1150 (I'm just under 5'1" and weigh about 98lbs. I'm figuring out the maintenance thing...would like to be 100).

    Anyway, I have my cals set to 1510/day based on my activity level. I don't always meet it, but I do strive to at least net my BMR.
  • HRLaurie614
    HRLaurie614 Posts: 260 Member

    I've said this before - if you can eat more food why wouldn't you want to???? who wants to give up birthday cake, cheeseburgers and beer FOREVER??? Not me.

    ^^^^ love it!!!!
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    I find it very difficult to eat 1200 calories, actually. I often have to throw in a beer or ice cream to do it. I actually lowered my allotment to 1,000 so I wouldn't have to fill up on empty calories, but then my body held on to everything.

    So, adding more protein and seeing if that makes it easier. Best way to say it, I'm not that into food and if one vitamin could sustain me for a day, I'd do it.
    Not trying to be mean but how did you get too heavy if you're not that into food?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    i eat like 1200 for dinner and I do not feel guilty....maybe hungry still..??
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I've had 1660 calories in the past 45 minutes.
    BHKLEIN Posts: 104
    I did see that post and she did clearly state that was her opinion and what she's been taught. Does that make her right, no not for everyone it doesn't apply. Again, it was her opinion! Also I don't believe the person who posted this is the same person who started this thread! The support, motivation, advice, guidence should be directly to the person who posted this. Picking arguments with other postees, like you are doing right now, is a waste of time that could be used to help support other MFP individuals that are needing it. So go ahead and post some smart remark back..... it seems like you get your kicks off this. I'm moving on to other people who I can help support.

    Well, you are the one who chose to engage and point this out about how we are being so negative and non-helpful, so, you are the one who picked the argument. I try to be very helpful to people day in and day out and explain over and over again how MFP works, how it calculates your calorie needs, etc. because I think it is very important for people to understand how this tool works in order to get the best results and not be: 1) hungry 2) doing themselves damage, among other things. Do I like to kid around sometimes, sure. So do many others here. But okay, go ahead and think you are superior and more helpful because you so clearly are serious and never joke around.

    Actually YOU are the one who engaged. I didn't pin point anyone specific just making a general statement about a lot of posting on MPF. YOU are the one that took it upon yourself to reply back to MY posting. Not the other way around. Get your facts straight. And it's a very true statement. Many people on MFP do need to be more supportive (not everyone: just some people). After all, people do occasionally come on here for actual support and motivation with issues they are having. Also, I have no idea what your talking about me being superior!!!! This is exactly what I'm talking about: people take one little comment and make it into a huge deal and put labels on people so quickly. Did you even read my entire original post. If trying to post helpful and supportive comments to people who may need it or people who ask for it is superior, then I guess so. I do not think your comments on this thread are in any joking manner. At least it doesn't seem that way to me. My posts are not meant to be funny or joking for the most part, they are meant to be helpful unless the topic implies humor....

    Sorry mayonie1 for the load of B.S. that's occurring on your thread. Also: mayonie1, acullen31 and 3rdChoice please feel free to friend me and I can help support you and your goals.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I had 2200 guilt free calories today, including a chocolate peanut butter protein shake, a monster mandarin chicken salad, a mushroom cheeseburger, a big plate of strawberry shortcake and some candy. And I'll still have more than 1000 calorie deficit today, so I might even have some granola and dark chocolate covered cranberries before bed. Either that or a S'mores poptart. :wink:
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    With calories that low, you may also be losing muscle and water weight. Just because you see numbers drop on the scale, doesn't mean it is a good thing. I would really recommend that you eat at least 1150 calories.

    I am female, 4'11" at 117. I eat 1200-1500 calories and still lose weight.
    LOL I find it funny that MFP automatically assumes that I need 1200 calories. It figured that amount when I was 175 pounds and again at 140. I had a hard time losing weight- the scale would not budge. I spent a year with MFP and lost a total of 5 lbs. Thats just stupid. So I decided to look into this more and with the help of my Fitbit, I am able to see that the goal isnt really how many calories consumed as it is how many calories are burned. Its so much more accurate! I can see that the days I am lazy, I am not in my goal zone to lose 1.5 pounds a week. MFP was too confusing. For example, last week, my daily calories were 855, 976, 1240, 1161, 1193, 1105. I had one day where I was over the 1200 daily calorie limit MFP set for me, every other day has been lower! And I am losing! I do feel guilty eating 1200 calories, only if my Fitbit tells me that I haven't burned enough calories to register a weight loss by doing so. I dont even bother with MFP anymore...I only keep it so that I can scan my food into my iPhone which sends to my Fitbit site since they dont have that feature on their site yet and I dont have time to manually enter everything.
  • EmilyTwist1
    EmilyTwist1 Posts: 206 Member
    Your body maintains at 1400, you lose at 1200.

    You really think this is the same for everyone, except the "seriously overweight"? That shows that you really don't understand weight loss or calorie deficits. Do you know that if you really maintain at 1400, you would lose less than half a lb per week (not saying that's a bad thing--my point is that most people would lose more than that on 1200 calories and that they would maintain on much higher than 1400)? My maintenance calories are around 2100. If I wanted to bulk, I'd aim for around 2300 or so. If I want to cut, I aim for between 1600-1900. And I'm a 5'4" female. Many people, especially men but also women, need many more calories.

    2100 calories is a lot of calories. Eating clean and healthy, I would have a tremendously hard time eating that many calories. What are you eating? And no, I don't think it's the same for everyone. Of course everyone is different. For me, that's true. I do 60 min of cardio 6 days a week. I'm training for a half marathon I try to eat as healthy and nutritious as possible and me eating 1400 calories is working. Of course some days I may go a little over, but realistically eating healthy food it's hard for me to get a lot of calories. I eat small meals throughout the day.

    You literally said that your doctors said that 1200-1400 calories is all anybody needs.

    ^^yes, the bolded part the problem I have with your original post. Sure, if you are petite and don't exercise, 1200-1400 might work for you. But you said that nobody needs more than 1400 unless they are "trying to gain tons of muscle".

    No, your body doesnt need thousands of calories a day. Body builders eat that.

    Well that's odd. Last year I was deliberately gaining (I used to be under weight), and I had to eat at least 3000 calories a day before I would gain. By your logic, when I was in high school and eating roughly 2000 a day and lifting weights every other day in PE, I should have been getting bulky, rather than the 98 lbs I actually was (I'm 5'6").

    There's a reason food labels say their information is based on 2000 and 2500 calorie diets. Most adults who are maintaining a healthy weight eat in this range.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    No. You are not eating enough.
  • DallastheGemini
    DallastheGemini Posts: 60 Member
    Between 1200-1400 calories is sufficient. Your body maintains at 1400, you lose at 1200.

    I don't believe that's true. I'm a girl who is 6 foot and my BMR is a little over 1500 calories a day. When I first started my goal was a little over 1600. Either way I've been steadily losing weight. I have a friend on here who is supposed to take in 2200 calories a day.
  • I do believe that doctors do say this because I went to a dietician and she put me on 1300 calories per day with exercise. Um. No.

    I'm not a body builder, but I do exercise most days, but not enough to warrant over 1500 calories per day. When I was eating around 1700 calories I was not losing an ounce. 1200 calories was too hard for me, and I was getting frustrated. But hey, if it works for you...