Feeling guilty of eating 1200 calories



  • UNLESS19
    UNLESS19 Posts: 118
    i'm on 1, 200 and i've lost. to be honest i should probably eat more... so eat up woman and enjoy your life and enjoy food! :) As well as the inches/weight coming off
    good luck :)<3
  • ksilver21
    I totally identify with your comment. In fact, when I eat more "fats" (avocado, coconut oil, ghee butter, raw nuts) I end up eating less than 1200 but totally full and satiated. I used to eat the brown rice, oatmeal, 1 slice of bread and 1200 was never enough and felt starving at 1200 calories. I do much better on veggies, fats, proteins, little fruit and never feel like dieting. for 8 days the scale has not moved, though I have walked 45 mins a day and 3x a week light weight machine lifting, but do feel inches coming off. Im 44 and have to learn to be patient with the weight loss (only needing to lose about 12 pounds in all) and think the closer you are to being lean the slower the loss is. I have noticed on occasion the more coconut oil I eat, often times the scale moves the next day.

    Thanks for posting your comment. I totally gave up sugar though and sweeten things with Stevia and I cook all my own food which have only 2-4 ingredients and my proteins are grass feed meats, eggs, local grown chicken and a pure whey protein unsweetened powder, homemade almond milk, juicing and quinoa tabbouleh. Food tastes so much better hwne you stay out of the grocery store and eliminate all processed foods (can, box,jar). Best purchase for me was a vitamix and a juicer so I can make everything from scratch and quickly.
  • lisamyershb
    lisamyershb Posts: 32 Member
    I eat only 1200 calories per day but eat every three hours. My hunger is controlled and I feel pretty darn energized throughout the day. I must say, I'm only 5"3 and 1200 calories sometimes seems like too much. Sometimes I have to force myself to eat so that I keep my body going throughout the day and avoid sending it into starvation mode.
  • NewEffie
    NewEffie Posts: 16 Member
    My goal was 1,200 and I hit a wall. It's just too few, at least for me. I don't feel the least bit guilty upping my intake if that equates to restarting my weight loss. Good luck to you!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    with all of this said, MFP is supposed to be about support, motivation. Everyone obviously is doing a great job with the weight loss. I don't understand the general lack of kindness some people show. It's not necessary. No one is a expert.

    The problem people have here is GENERALIZATIONS. A generalization was made that nobody should need to eat more than X calories.

    That is dead wrong, very stupid and annoying. I don't care if a doctor said it. He's wrong, or you misunderstood.

    Well good luck eating thousands of calories.

    I'm doing quite well, I lose weight eating 1800. My body does not function on 1200. Yes, I tried it.

    From your picture, you look quite small, so eating 1200-1400 might be right for you. Great. But there are many people who can't survive on that, and they aren't all bodybuilders. So don't quote that crap as fact and expect us all to poop rainbows.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    Your body maintains at 1400, you lose at 1200.

    You really think this is the same for everyone, except the "seriously overweight"? That shows that you really don't understand weight loss or calorie deficits. Do you know that if you really maintain at 1400, you would lose less than half a lb per week (not saying that's a bad thing--my point is that most people would lose more than that on 1200 calories and that they would maintain on much higher than 1400)? My maintenance calories are around 2100. If I wanted to bulk, I'd aim for around 2300 or so. If I want to cut, I aim for between 1600-1900. And I'm a 5'4" female. Many people, especially men but also women, need many more calories.

    2100 calories is a lot of calories. Eating clean and healthy, I would have a tremendously hard time eating that many calories. What are you eating? And no, I don't think it's the same for everyone. Of course everyone is different. For me, that's true. I do 60 min of cardio 6 days a week. I'm training for a half marathon I try to eat as healthy and nutritious as possible and me eating 1400 calories is working. Of course some days I may go a little over, but realistically eating healthy food it's hard for me to get a lot of calories. I eat small meals throughout the day.

    You literally said that your doctors said that 1200-1400 calories is all anybody needs.

    ^^yes, the bolded part the problem I have with your original post. Sure, if you are petite and don't exercise, 1200-1400 might work for you. But you said that nobody needs more than 1400 unless they are "trying to gain tons of muscle".

    No, your body doesnt need thousands of calories a day. Body builders eat that.

    I'm not a bodybuilder, and as I've said, I maintain on about 2100. :smile:
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    with all of this said, MFP is supposed to be about support, motivation. Everyone obviously is doing a great job with the weight loss. I don't understand the general lack of kindness some people show. It's not necessary. No one is a expert.

    The problem people have here is GENERALIZATIONS. A generalization was made that nobody should need to eat more than X calories.

    That is dead wrong, very stupid and annoying. I don't care if a doctor said it. He's wrong, or you misunderstood.

    Well good luck eating thousands of calories.

    You and your junk science MD (which where did they get their degree?) need to take your advice off the board. You are making generalizations that could be HARMFUL to newbies who can't see through your, for lack of a nicer word, crap. Maybe that's what has worked for you, but it's not a one size fit all scenario. That's right, EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT. Repeat after me, WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT, NOT ROBOTS. Maybe you and your doc are robots, but yeah the rest of us aren't. We are normal people who have lost weight the way that...wait for it...suits us. Imagine that. Oh, my doctor has also lost 80 lbs eating more than 1200-1400 calories a day. I know MIND BLOWING.
  • ksilver21
    if hungry, try adding coconut oil in (you can make coconut oil and unsweetened candies flavored with Stevia) put into the freezer. If I have 2 of these candies (about 2 tbsp. of coconut oil) my calories may go up, but my weight moves. Coconut oil helps lose weight and signals the brain you are satiated. adding calories is fine, I would suggest adding calories via fat and no more carb or protein.
    Look for chocolate delight and how to make on youtube, lots of folks show how easy it is to make. Cheers.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I'm cutting at 1800 calories it sucks.

    That's actually how I've been feeling this week. Which is why I have a hard time losing the last little bit of fat I'd like to lose :wink: ...that and because I'm super happy with my body as it is
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    with all of this said, MFP is supposed to be about support, motivation. Everyone obviously is doing a great job with the weight loss. I don't understand the general lack of kindness some people show. It's not necessary. No one is a expert.

    No one who has a basic understanding of an energy balance is going to be supportive and motivational to someone feeling guilty eating a measly 1200 calories. We are, in fact, trying to be supportive and motivational by explaining to the OP that she does NOT have to feel guilty for that, and that it's even very likely too low for her. Also, disagreeing with you is not showing a general lack of kindness.

    No one may be an "expert," yet you are continuing to spew incorrect information as truth when there are tons of other people in this forum telling you that we ARE losing weight eating "thousands" of calories.
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    with all of this said, MFP is supposed to be about support, motivation. Everyone obviously is doing a great job with the weight loss. I don't understand the general lack of kindness some people show. It's not necessary. No one is a expert.

    MFP is not only for support and motivation. If there is incorrect information being posted, people will correct it. (and being direct and to the point does not equal lack of kindness)

    Dangit. Beat me to it. :drinker:
  • wiltl
    wiltl Posts: 188 Member
    Also, Just anyone who is so set that your body goes into starvation mode when eating around 1200 calories I'm 5'3, 126 lbs. My blood work is perfect, my BMI is awesome. I'm active, I work out 6 days a week and I eat 1200-1400 calories a day. Healthy foods. Veggies, Fruits, whole grains. I'm never hungry. I eat small meals through out the day. I drink protein shakes. Please tell me that i'm starving.

    Well, I'm 5 inches taller than you and weigh more than you (and my bloodwork is perfect, also. In fact, I've never once had a bad blood panel even at my highest weight). Those numbers you quote work FOR YOU and are not and should not be a blanket "one size fits all" set amount. Yes, I can absolutely believe that based on your height, weight, etc that 1400 would be just right for you.

    But, even if we were both at our optimal BMI there will always be more of me to feed than there is of you.

    At one point MFP set me at 1435 cals net. After a couple of months at that, my hair dried out, my nails were brittle, I couldn't stay awake at work and generally felt like crap. Lo and behold, I upped my calories to 1700-1800 and started feeling better! My nails are back to looking like I have a natural french mani and I can function during the day. You may not be starving on that amount, but I sure as heck was. Even after raising my intake, I've still managed to lose 64 lbs and maintain my muscle mass.

    And, just like with blood work, there are normal RANGES - not one set number for everyone. Your posts are being picked apart because of the generalizations and bad info. Its not to be mean, even if some folks might go a bit overboard in how they reply. I'm adding my two cents because I went through the whole "I'm starving, so why am I not losing weight" issues and feelings of guilt for "overeating". Once I started here and started researching and asking questions have I been able to rebuild my relationships with food. I would never tell anyone that my number should be their number, but instead point them towards the tools that have been linked throughout this thread.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member

    No, your body doesnt need thousands of calories a day. Body builders eat that.

    Yeah well my mouth needs thousands of calories a day.


    31 years old, 5'6, 120lbs 19.5bf% and still losing......at 1900-2100 calories a day, BTW.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member

    No, your body doesnt need thousands of calories a day. Body builders eat that.

    Yeah well my mouth needs thousands of calories a day.


    31 years old, 5'6, 120lbs 19.5bf% and still losing......at 1900-2100 calories a day, BTW.

    ^^^hahahaha. love it!
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    When I started with MFP, my daily net goal was 1700 calories. Now I'm at 1390. In reality, I usually eat more like 1700-2000 due to the long bike rides I take most days. 1200 would be way too few for me.
  • mrsacoulter
    mrsacoulter Posts: 12 Member
    Wow... My very fit 12 year old eats more than that in one day!!! Food is fuel and you must fuel your body in order to produce at a maximum rate. :-).. No need to feel guilty for fueling your body with premium fuel (operative word PREMIUM, not garbage)... Enjoy eating.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I always eat anywhere from 1200-1400 calories a day. Normally no more than 1400. There is no need to eat more than 1400 calories a day, especially if your losing weight or trying too. Your body goes into starvation mode if you eat less than that, but your body wont go into starvation mode at 1200. I work in an office that the chief of Medicine works at and those are his words. Between 1200-1400 calories is sufficient. Your body maintains at 1400, you lose at 1200. Given if you are seriously overweight, you would probably lose eating a bit more than that as well or someone trying to put on tons of muscle but eventually when your body gets down to an ideal weight 1200 is losing, 1400 is maintaining and anything above that typically is gaining.

    I know everyone has different opinions, just sharing what I've learned, experienced and have been taught by our doctors. =)

  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Has anyone feeling guilty of eating 1200 calories. I used to think that weight loss is about starving, now that I joined MFP I cant believe that 1200calories will make me loose weight. *unbelievable*

    I must say I lost few inches in my waists and thighs though nothing on scale. I do eat 1200 sometimes but honestly do feel guilty as if Im eating too much.

    You should feel guilty eating 1200 calories, because you should be eating way more than that.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I find it very difficult to eat 1200 calories, actually. I often have to throw in a beer or ice cream to do it. I actually lowered my allotment to 1,000 so I wouldn't have to fill up on empty calories, but then my body held on to everything.

    So, adding more protein and seeing if that makes it easier. Best way to say it, I'm not that into food and if one vitamin could sustain me for a day, I'd do it.

    The reason why 1200 is rec as a minimum is that it is very difficult to get the required nutrition on any less (protein, fat, vitamins, minerals). So even at 1200 there shouldn't be room for empty calories, or you would be sacrificing on some of the essentials your body needs
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    I always eat anywhere from 1200-1400 calories a day. Normally no more than 1400. There is no need to eat more than 1400 calories a day, especially if your losing weight or trying too. Your body goes into starvation mode if you eat less than that, but your body wont go into starvation mode at 1200. I work in an office that the chief of Medicine works at and those are his words. Between 1200-1400 calories is sufficient. Your body maintains at 1400, you lose at 1200. Given if you are seriously overweight, you would probably lose eating a bit more than that as well or someone trying to put on tons of muscle but eventually when your body gets down to an ideal weight 1200 is losing, 1400 is maintaining and anything above that typically is gaining.

    I know everyone has different opinions, just sharing what I've learned, experienced and have been taught by our doctors. =)

    This makes no sense at all