

  • weight loss without exercise is definintely possible but you will almost always gain it back. building muscle is what raises your metabolic rate and what will act in keeping the weight off after it is lost.
  • i know this may sound annoying but i love your food choices and was wondering if you might be able to do a mock grocery shopping list for me and email it me. lol. just the things that you normally pick up to maintain this diet of yours. all except the fish..i can substitute chicken for that b/c i am not a seafood person.…
  • 26 years old and 75 to lose! i feel yah.
  • congrats on the weight loss. thats always a terrific feeling. just keep up the good dont have far to go! add me as a friend if you would like..i am new as well and need to lose around 75.
  • hi jen! it's good to meet you. sounds like you and i are in similar boats. i had two pregnancies, back to back, and now am lookin' at atound 75 lbs to lose. add me as a friend and we can be weight loss buddies as well. i had done the atkins diet, on and off, from november until last month and finally realized how horrible…