

  • I'm wondering what people put in for the plyo under the exercise tab.
  • It only gets better. Just remember, the more you hate Tony now, the more you will like him later.
  • thanks fjtcjt. Those protein numbers were certainly in the range of what I've seen online. I also saw a few way higher, like 1.5 gm to lb of body weight. I'm trying to get healthier, not die of kidney failure :frown: I'll try your numbers out and see how I feel. I'm glad I'm not the only one here with that little stubborn…
  • hat was very helpful. I am not really trying to lose weight at all. Having my suspicions confirmed was great. Thanks so much. you will surely be hearing from me again.
  • that was very helpful. I am not really trying to lose weight at all. Having my suspicions confirmed was great. Thanks so much. you will surely be hearing from me again.
  • I quit smoking a couple months ago and started running whenever I had the urge. I started P90X after seeing the results my sister had. She was quite fit to start with, a marathon runner and tri-athlete. I'm not training for anything specifically...yet. I am considering running the Chicago marathon with my G/F tin October…
  • Well... I am 5'7 and weigh 149. My weight is in the "healthy" range according to BMI charts online. I just gotta get rid of this bit-o-chub around my gut! ;) According to the P90X nutrition guide, my energy level is 2400 (this doesn't include the extra running I' am doing. If so I need to add another 300-500 calories).…
  • Round 1 week 3 starts tomorrow. Doing the classic program + By plus I mean I am running 3.5 - 5 miles on all of my resistance days (days 1, 3, 5) and either on Kenpo day or rest day. Having trouble consuming enough calories. How much is too little?
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