asapmust Member


  • I agree . . . the Fitbit is great for tracking and being accountable. I try to get 2000 + steps before leaving for work in the mornings and my goal is to leave work with at least 6000 steps. It's easy to get the remaining 4000 steps to reach 10,000 because you run around like a knucklehead when you get home from work. :)
  • I've been there and at times it's hard to squeeze in a mini-workout. My husband and I own a business and I'm stuck in the office 9:00 to 7:00 or later. But having said that ... I finally kicked myself in the butt and said no more excuses! I take extra steps wherever I can. I walk to the farthest ladies room and on the way…
  • I'm interested in joining, please :)
  • I agree that it is quite expensive to eat healthy/clean but look at it as an investment in yourself. I changed my life right after Christmas almost 2 years ago and yes it was very expensive BUT preparing good food and stocking the house with fruits and veggies didn't hurt anybody in my house. I barely see any veggies in…
  • I agree with most of the others - you should be losing but that one cheat meal can sabotage your week (especially the french fries - lol). Something has to change whether its bumping up the water or adding more weights or reps or adding more minutes to your walking - just changing one little thing can make a difference.…
  • I hit my goal the beginning of this month after changing my lifestyle in January, 2012. Actually I am 2 pounds below goal. I'm 5' 3.5" and am at 113 pounds - which I know is still "acceptable" for my height and frame. I still go to the gym 5 days a week, 1 zumba class and 1 yoga class. I just started using myfitnesspal…