proof Member


  • If you're concerned I would talk to your OBGYN and maybe get some blood tests done to make sure everything is okay hormone-wise. Sometimes, people get post-partum thyroid issues, especially if you lost a lot of blood during delivery, and that could slow down your metabolism. I'd agree with the other posters about a well…
  • So your doctor probably told you that you're not getting an LH surge, meaning no ovulation and no period basically. At 110 pounds, you're probably overdoing it in the gym and not compensating with enough healthy food, especially healthy fats (think nuts, avocado, olive oil. salmon). I workout a ton and still manage to have…
  • First off, awesome job at being so proactive! I'd also say youre okay at 1500 if its working for you. The loss of period isn't associated with osteoporosis unless you have really really low body fat or have been dieting and exercising heavily for an extended period of time, your fat cells actually protect your bones in a…
  • You should try and keep your lower back on the ground as long as possible. Try tilting your pelvis up, so that your back is completely flush with the ground, you shouldn't be able to get your hands between your back and the floor, and try to maintain this contact as long as possible as you lower your legs, this keeps your…
    in Lower Abs Comment by proof April 2012
  • I think it could just be water weight/ other residual food weight especially if you havent had a bowel movement in awhile Im a runner and ill weigh myself before and after runs to see how much fluids i should be replenishing and ive definitely sweat out three pounds on a hot day/hard workout So don't worry just keep up the…