

  • Hi there! First of all, good for you to make this decision. Second, awesome weight loss so far. Third, keep it up! It will melt right off if you just keep at it. We all gained our weight one guilty pleasure at a time... we will lose it one healthy habit at a time. I have been on my journey since January 2012 with a…
  • www.enell.com These bras are FA-BU-LOUS!!! there are no metal parts except for the eye hooks IN THE FRONT!!! They have lots of retailers in Canada so check out their website to get addresses of where you can go. Several locations in BC, Ontario, Montreal, Alberta. You only need ONE or TWO. They are made so well that they…
  • I swear by the Enell one too. It is pricey, but extremely well made and my girls don't move around at all. It supports my back as well. It is comfortable, sturdy, and worth every penny. www.enell.com
  • Focus on clean and healthy eating right now. At 2 weeks post partum, exercise should not necessarily be on your radar. Walking is okay, but give your body the time to heal and finish "bleeding". I found breastfeeding to be the greatest help for weight loss in the first 6 months post partum. My son is now 18 months old, and…
  • yes! it took me a good 10 minutes to stir the darned thing and i had to switch arms a few times so one of them wouldn't get more toned than the other LOL
  • HA! Lifting will NOT fix sagging boobies. It will not tighten your skin, it will do nothing but build some muscle underneath. Since women don't bulk up like men do, you will not be able to reverse a DDD to D boob loss by lifting weights. Saggy boobies will still be saggy. I'm getting all my skin nipped, tucked and lifted…
    in Breast Lift Comment by yavrig June 2013
  • A servng of rice is 1/4 cup dry, or 3/4 cup cooked. It's less than 200 calories if you make it with just water and salt.
    in Basmati Rice Comment by yavrig June 2013
  • Heck, we should have #2 also... so you can track how regular you are... :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:
  • If morning workouts aren't your thing (not mine either), then get to your exercise routine BEFORE you get home after work. The extra boost to your metabolism will keep you burning your evening meal more efficiently. Besides, after a good workout, you will hopefully be reminded to make better dinner choices. Don't forget to…
  • Good for you! Check out Enell bras for the endowed lady! A decent sports bra was the only thing holding me back from running (well, at least that was MY excuse) and a friend turned me on to them. I have one now and I love it. I swear by it. No more excuses. www.enell.com
  • my first goal was to go up the stairs without getting winded. after that, my goal was to walk 5 miles and not get exhausted. that's pretty much what i've been doing. my current goal is to tie my sneakers standing up on one foot without my belly getting in my way. with all the weight loss, now i'm battling belly skin…
  • 1. i had to add more holes in my new belts already 2. the excess skin hanging around everywhere... it probably weights another 20 lbs... maybe i should cut it off. SOON 3. weird never-before-seen bones sticking out 4. salvation army is going to give me a frequent donor honorarium if I keep this up ROFL
  • ^^^^ So totally there with you. It had better be worth it! If it isn't, it won't get past my teeth. Although I still enjoy the taste and smells of all that junk, I just don't think it's worth the hassle I'm going to have to deal with, all over again.
  • I always keep a stash of Coach's steel cut oats, coconut sugar, flax seeds, chia seeds, cinnamon and pumpkin pie spices, raw almonds, raisins and a bottle of vanilla extract in my desk at work. That's enough stuff for me to make different oatmeal combinations. I even make a snickers bar oatmeal where I add a tablespoon of…
  • Awesome! and inspiring! Ignorant question... what's reboot/beast mode?
  • I don't think it's health shaming. It's just a normal reaction that most people have because they either have never been heavy, or they are heavier than they'd like to be and have found it hard to lose weight. Whatever their reasoning is, it's just their way of striking conversation, as they try to connect with you and…
  • ^ LOL everyone gets better-looking after a drink!
  • LOL I've lost two average human legs... or the world's largest ball of tape. i'm looking to lose another cinder block.
  • Pack a picnic, call some of his closest friends and have them meet him in the park for some football, and then leave the picnic basket for them, and leave. Some guy time for him during the day will have him really appreciating the special time with you at night because you were considerate enough to give him space and time…
  • Amen to that! My husband lost 85 lbs with the *help* of surgery. I have lost mine with WW and MFP. Surgery is merely a tool and unless you have yourself been overweight by 100lbs+, STFU, you have no concept of the true struggle. It is not the answer for everyone, just like I didn't think it was the answer for me. But it…
  • OH! OH! I have the answer to this one! www.enell.com They are expensive but all you really need is one. Just one. I am in love with mine. I am quite top-heavy, and on top of that, I'm nursing my son so they are heavier and more sensitive too. This sports bra keeps the girls in check. I can actually run in them and nothing,…
  • 10 years ago, a nutritionist told me I had to lose weight. DUH! As if I didn't know that! Anyway, she told me the 3 keys to lasting weight loss, as supported by some studies (I forget the names) were: 1) keeping a food diary, 2) exercise 3-5X per week, even if it was only 10 minutes at a time to start with, and 3) support…
  • If you have Trader Joes near you, check out Better'n Peanut Butter. It is all natural, 85% less fat, low sodium, made with real peanuts and get this... ONLY 100 CALORIES FOR 2 TABLESPOONS!!!! I add 1 tbsp to my steel cut oatmeal to stretch the flavor and satisfaction. Sometimes, I also add 1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder…