

  • I am a nurse and I have seen the miracles that have happened in people's lives because of weightloss surgery. I believe in it when someone is morbidly obese and needs to loose 100lbs or more. And in the end, life is too whatever you think is right for you. Those who put down this kind of surgery are usually the…
  • I lost 80lbs with Atkins about 6 yrs ago and have probably gained 20 back since. Right now I am trying to drop these 20 and some more just counting calories and so far I have lost 10. I would not do Atkins again cause I did it so strictly I cannot even tolerate the smell of bacon. It makes me sick to my stomach. Try not to…
  • I have a super sweet tooth but I do get the Special K fruit bars or the fiber one brownies which have 100 and 90 calories respectively and they taste pretty good.