hayleyc5 Member


  • WEIGHT THIS WEEK: 177 wohooo! AIM FOR NEXT WEEK: 175 WHETHER YOU MANAGED A FULL WEEK WITHOUT CHOCOLATE IN WEEK 1? Yup managed to avoid the good stuff! Looking forward to the sit ups this week... Well done everyone for all your hard work this week guys! Bring on week 2!
  • Uh oh! Its the weekend! Tomorrow night I have a girly night in planned which usually involves chocolate (and an tiny bit of wine)! No chocolate shall pass these lips! Have a nice weekend everyone! :)
  • Ok, I'm in too! Location: Preston, England I like: Surfing, beaches and my tortoise I don't like: Cotton wool or spiders Current typical or usual exercise: exercise DVDs, swimming and running Current Weight: 178 Aim for next week: 177 Good luck everyone!