

  • I don't have any awesome pics to show you, but just know that not too long ago I was starting my journey on myfitnesspal, feeling kinda hopeless, and thinking that my goal was super far away... and now 5 months later, I've lost 40 lbs and I'm 1/2 way to my goal. I have a few profile pics that you can kind of see the facial…
  • Small world! I ran(and walked) the same race!! Way to go! This was my first race ever and I finished at 42 mins, alternating walking and running the whole time. Go us, go Marquette!
  • Hey Mamas! I'm Lauren, 30 year-old mama to three(5 1/2, almost 3, and 8 months) sweet boys. I'm one of those breastfeeding, baby-wearing, co-sleeping, home birthing, type of mamas. I'm pretty new to MFP and happy to find this group! I've been pregnant and/or nursing for over 6 years now and am hoping to lose a whole lot of…
  • Thanks! That's what I'll be doing from now on.