scubagoil Member


  • I've been on Norwegian 3 times and Carnival once. Had a great time on all the cruises! These two cruise lines are probably the most laid back and has the most casual dress codes. If you are looking for an elegant experience, these would not fit the bill. They both have a wide age range for their clientele base. Carnival…
  • Patagonia - Not cheap, but soooo comfortable! I know REI carries them, but not sure where else to find them. They come in bikini, hipsters, briefs and boy shorts. If they have thongs, I haven't seen them...
  • I used to live on Folly Beach (about 25 years ago!) I'm sure I wouldn't recognize it now, but I absolutely loved living there! My favorite beach in NC is Topsail. It's great for searching for sharks teeth!
  • Wow, great numbers! How nice that you found a doctor that likes the fact that you are eating paleo. I am going in July and am anxious to see how much my numbers have improved!
  • I just ordered the P90X dvd and am hoping it's here tomorrow too! Insanity looks even harder than P90X... I was thinking if I got through this, I would order Insanity next! Have you signed up on the Beach Body boards? They have tons of groups there... I joined 2 groups there, but will track everything here. Just using…
  • There are lots of people here that eat low carb. Go to the groups tab and type in low carb to find a friendly group who will support you! If you are looking for friends for support, feel free to add me! I have done Atkins in the past and currently eat low carb, just not quite as low as Atkins...
    in Atkins Comment by scubagoil April 2012
  • Yes, I just saw this article today about Truvia having corn based ingredients!
  • That sounds great! I love that your mom is making some carrot cake cupcakes for you! Have fun and eat well :flowerforyou:
  • Hi everyone, I lost 2 lbs this week! I haven't lost in a couple of weeks, and was really hoping the scale would move this morning! Hope everyone has a great weigh in today!
  • I have never had a Fox Terrier, but I do know that terriers in general are very high energy dogs which can lead to some of the problems you talked about. With that said, this dog is 10 years old and likely has mellowed a little with age. But if he is a barker, that probably has not mellowed. If you live in an apartment or…
  • I agree with weathergirl32.. Trust your nutritionist! And come join us at: Don't listen to a bunch of negative people on the main boards... Work with your nutritionist and do your own research on the subject. Most of these naysayers on the main boards…
  • If you have a deck or patio, you could grow some stuff in containers (tomatoes, lettuce, etc..). There are a lot of websites that have info on that... We live on 9 acres, so I have to give it a try this year! I tried 2 years ago with mixed results, but am ready to try again.
  • Just wanted to add... If you wanted in-depth info on these programs, they all have books. But you don't have to buy all the different books... you can get books on all of these low carb programs at your library...
  • There are many low carb programs out there that you could follow. Some people don't follow a set program and just decide for themselves what amount of carbs they are going to eat. Atkins is very easy to follow, but starts out very restrictive. It's been a while, but I think the first couple of weeks you only eat 20 carbs…
  • The toe issue could be Gout... My BF has Gout and it is mainly the joint in his big toe. First time he had symptoms, he thought he had broke his toe somehow! He would never go grain free, so I can't tell you if eating Paleo would help it or not. If you search for info on Gout, they always claim red meat and alcohol are…
  • I'm not sure if the Outer Banks would interest you, but we have stayed at the Frisco Woods campground so many times... It is on the sound side and has a lot of wooded sites which is very nice in the heat of the summer! We liked it because we could bring our kayaks and just head out right from the campground. Also, when the…
  • The symptoms can vary from person to person. My mother has a gluten intolerance and when she eliminates it, she feels so much better. The gluten affects her joints and if she eats stuff with gluten, she will have a very hard time getting out of bed in the morning and will feel pain all day. Despite this, she often eat…
  • I had been thinking of getting this for the Wii... Glad to hear you love the custom workouts! Does anyone else use this program and what do you think of it?
  • sw: 165 cw: 157 gw: 145
  • This is what I see most days: Dogs Horses Wild turkeys Geese Deer Rabbits Squirrels Snakes
  • It does adds some calories, but if you put your favorite veggies in a pan with a little olive oil or coconut oil, they taste great and cook up fast! It's a very nice change from steamed!
  • I think it would... I was also thinking it would work with almond flour too.
  • When I get blisters, I try a few things... Plasters, band-aids made specifically for blisters, and lambs wool. I think the lambs wool might work since the blister is in the arch of your foot... You can get it at most drug stores - usually around the foot care section... (I think it's the stuff ballerinas put in the tip of…
  • This looks great! And I have all the ingredients on hand!
  • I'm no expert, but I can tell you my opinion. I took a peek at your diary,,,, I'm not sure which low carb plan you are following, but your protein seems low and your carbs seem high - especially if you are not able to get much exercise right now... You could try to lower your daily carbs to a max of 50 and eat a lot more…
  • When I was first diagnosed, I tried all the products I could get my hands on that were gluten free... I no longer eat any grains because they tend to be higher in calories and I still reacted to many grains that are supposed to be safe, but I can tell you what I liked when I did... I found Pamela's Wheat Free & Gluten-free…
  • Have you tried buff headwear? Keeps the hair out of my face and helps keep the sweat from running down my face!
  • I am sending you a friend request. I have been following the primal plan for about three weeks, but it really wasn't much different than what I have been doing for quite a while... I was doing low carb, but eating lots of veggies and some fruit most days. I was already trying to incorporate as much organic/grass fed as the…
  • This morning, I knew I was going to be outside working in the yard, so I made a protein shake and added a banana for some natural sugar... It really kept me going for a quite a while!
  • I've heard that as long as there is no caffeine in your tea or coffee, it can count towards your water intake...