Shauna776 Member


  • Nope, I've just recently added them to my diet and haven't experienced anything like that. It does, however, sound a lot like dehydration. I feel like that and even throw up if I haven't had enough water (and food) and then work out really hard (get really hot). Just a suggestion and my 2 cents :)
  • I did lipo twice and ended up having to diet and exercise as lipo doesnt get it all off, change your lifestyle or teach you better eating habbits!! I wasted over $15,000 on lipo and was still fat!! You're doing it right, it's much slower and totally sucks, but is the right way. If you'd like, you can add me and I'll be…
  • You can add me if you'd like. I can sympathize with your plight and am happy to motivate and encourage! :)
    in Hello... Comment by Shauna776 May 2013
  • Absolutely!!! Feel free to add me :)
  • Hi Rachael! I've been on here a few times and have stuck with it this time about 6 months solid! So, feel free to add me and I'll be happy to motivate :) -Shauna
    in Hello Comment by Shauna776 May 2013
  • Hi! Well, I graduated my MA some time ago, but my goal continues to lose weight and stay healthy! I can definately relate having gone through 6 years of school with little ones :) I'm Shauna. Feel free to add me!
  • Sounds like my story exactly! I have to fight off the urges almost every night... sometimes I succeed, sometimes I don't.... Best thing to do is jump back on the metaphoric wagon! I'd be happy to support you. Friend request sent! :-)
  • I love that you want to get healthy and are not just looking to watch the numbers decrease on your scale! If you'd like motivation and a new MFP friend... feel free to add me! ;)
  • I'm here every day and will be happy to encourage you! Feel free to add me :)