

  • Great weight loss!!! Now it's time to lift some weights......I think i had the same problem till I asked this guy at my gym. I was losing the weight but my arms still looks fatter than the rest of my body. He told me to lift heavy and less reps. Before I was doing lift weights and a lot of reps. I went on…
  • I really don't know about the BMI cuz everyone body type is different. I am stronger than you and they want me to weigh 164 and when I was 185 running track for ASU my body fat was 21.6. The BMI chart does not say that. The best way to get your BMI is using the one that uses the water.
  • I alway adjust the cals to what I actually do in the gym. I don't know where they get the big numbers from but I know I always put the correct number and because its on your stays. :happy:
  • My calories is higher than her is and the only time I'm in the read zone is the two days I don't go in the gym:frown: That only happened once.......wont let that happen again.
  • Happy New Year All...... I was told to do more cardio than weights......So I would do 1 1/2 hr of cardio and 30 minutes of weights. Now I use 25% of my weights but do a lot of reps to burn my muscle compare to build muscle. I guess you can say I have fat on top of muscles:grumble: But I do see results:wink:
  • Well, I go to the gym 4 times a week. Everyday I hit the treadmill for 60 mins. My weight workout goes as follow: Day 1 will be arms/shoulders and abs (I used 20lbs and do 4x15...nice and slow so it can burn), Day 2 will be all legs (I only use weights for front and regular squats 95/135lbs full squats) Then I do regular…
  • How about eating 6 times a day??? Eat your breakfast, lunch and dinner but include snacks in between and before you go to bed but set a finally time to eat like 7pm or 8pm. Eat every 2 hrs 2.5hrs. :smile: