My eyes are different colors (1 in 8 million people!) I have a tattoo of the Golden Girls on my buttox. No, I wasn't drunk! I was run over by a pick up truck when I was 5 and walked away with just a few scrapes (thank you guardian angels!!!)
Tater tot
I have a Chihuahua named Princess. She had the name when I adopted her from the SPCA. I never really liked it (the name that is) so I called her Peabody, Peanut, Miss P, Lil P... anything other than Princess. One night I came home from an evening out with friends and too many drinks. I tried to call her and somehow merged…
I'm no professional, nor do I have any statistics to share but I have been using interval training for the past month and I feel like my workout goes by a lot quicker than if I am simply running at a set pace for 30 minutes. I would encourage you to stay with it!