kejurek Member


  • I would suggest taking measurements as well. I used to be a Beachbody coach and I can tell you that people get so frustrated when they don't see the scale numbers drop and don't realize how much muscle they have gained or how many inches they have lost. Like other people said, expect to see more dramatic results in month…
  • That stuff looks AMAZING!!!!
  • P90X is amazing. I know the cost worries some people but that is the only time you'll have to pay that fee! It's a little over 100 dollars but you'll have that program for life. It's a great investment.
  • I've got to say I was a little disappointed when reading this forum. I work for Beachbody and am in no way connected with Visalus but I hate to see people attacking others for trying to help on these forums. The question was about a Visalus Product. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. The skinny fiber may be great…
  • Hey girl! How often are you weighing yourself? Definitely do NOT do it every day. I know some people recommend doing that but it will make you crazy! I used to obsess about the scale until I started weighing myself once a week. I weigh myself every Friday to set the tone for the weekend because that's when I mess up. If…
  • I'm a Beachbody Coach and not only have I completed Insanity several times but I work with a lot of people currently going through the program. Some of them being beginners. I can tell you that several times throughout the workout Shaun T (the trainer) will tell you to go at your own pace. You're allowed to take breaks.…
  • sugar free jello :)
  • Glad to hear it :)
  • I struggle with that too :-/ ..My problem is I just love food. When you get back from work and you're hungry it's so hard to stop eating. You had a long day and all you want to do is relax and eat! It sucks. However, I have found several strategies that help me stay out of the fridge and prevent binging. I agree with…
  • I have the same story too! After high school into my freshman year of college I really let myself go. I'm also in a healthy weight range now but obviously not as toned as I used to be during soccer season ha. I'm really trying to get it together now! It's hard but it's nice having some support!
  • Lovee this show and Dr. Travis ha. I saw this today and was amazed. It was definitely an eye opener and gives great reasons to stay away from that food.
  • Thanks for sharing!! I expected the weight to melt off and it wasn't so I was a little frustrated but that makes sense now. The inches lost is what kept me going. It's such a great workout I'm definitely going to stick with it and see what happens in the next month
  • I'm so glad I found this thread! I just finished week two of Insanity and it is by far the best workout I have ever done. It's amazing how far I've come in just two weeks. The feeling of accomplishment after you finish each workout is amazingggg! haha
  • That's awesome!! I can't wait to do that! Must feel amazing :)
    in Today... Comment by kejurek August 2010
  • The 10 minute tapes have just a leg workout and it is amazing and you will see results quickly. My legs are a problem area too and I don't really have weight I want to lose my legs just aren't how I would like them so I do the lower body workout and I have problems walking the next day bc I'm sore but it is definitely a…
  • Did you get Tony Horton's 10 minute trainer? I have those DVD's and they are great. You would be surprised how sore you will be after just 10 minutes. I'll do 2 or 3 a day and it definitely is a great workout and you will for sure get results! Good Luck :)
  • oo ok that makes sense! Thank you both for your help! :)
  • I'm starting over today too! we can do this! Good luck =)
  • I'm on the first workout of week two so i still have a ways to go ha.. but starting off wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I haven't even tried to run in a longgg time and this program is very doable. It's challenging at first to just get the motivation to go out and actually do it, but I know after I run I feel so…
  • I just started this about a week ago. I can already feel a difference and i'm starting to enjoy running ha. I was a soccer player in high school and just let myself go after that.. whoopsies:blushing: .. I don't really have anyone to run with though so I could definately use the support too!
  • I also lovee chocolate and I've found that the South Beach Living Snack Bar Delights really take care of the chocolate craving. They are only 100 calories and they are soo good =)..I think they even taste better than regular candy bars.