Casi23 Member


  • Club Soda! One of my favorite alternatives to water....also is high in Potassium. I drink it if I cramp up hours after a run. : ) AND it mixes well with vodka and cranberry juice....bonus! : )
  • Made it 22 hours yesterday! Stopped eating at 5 p.m. on Tuesday and held out till about 3 p.m.(after a 45 minutes lift, and an hour on the elliptical I had to have a protein shake). That's been good for me b/c lately I've only been able to make is 18-20 hours. I'm curious about small amounts of calories during the day of…
  • Grrr....only made it 20 hours yesterday. I stopped eating on Saturday night at 8 pm...and had to start again on Sunday at 4 pm....I don't know what it was. I woke up, lifted for about 30 minutes, busted my butt on the spinning bike for about 45 minutes and then did an ab workout for another 20 the time I…
  • Well - the two days this week weren't as bad as I thought. One day was Sunday and the other one was Wednesday. Wednesday was a bit more difficult because I started my workday 5 hours earlier...but I made it all 24 hours. I haven't seen any results yet. I'm maintaining a solid buck fifty...and about 25 % bodyfat...which I…
  • Well I made it. Two days this week and lasted the whole 24 hours each time! I managed to squeeze in a good hard weightlifting work out and a 45-minute cardio session each day too. One thing I noticed is that it REALLY helps to knock your workout out at the END of your fast. It makes those last 2-3 hours fly by and you can…
  • Well I made it the whole 24 hours on the first day. I kind of feel like I cheated though...I ate dinner at 5 pm on Saturday night, started the fast after that and then slept in on my day began around 9-10 am and then I worked out, showered, etc. By the time I got into work it was already around noon and then I…
  • Alright. Today is day 1....well, Kind of anyway. I started the fast at 6 pm last night. I'm a little worried because I worked out for 75 minutes after last night my stomach was yelling for food. But it's pretty quiet after waking up this morning. So we'll see. It's 10 am and I have to last until 6 tonight. I'm…
  • Alright. Today is day 1....
  • Bump! My apologies if this has already been addressed...but is this an actual lifestyle change? Or just a good option to bust through a plateau? I've dropped about 15 pounds in the last few months and am trying to lose the last 5-10 pounds. This seems like a good method, but not sure how it will pan out for my long-term…
  • Thanks Guys! Play It Again Sports sounds awesome! I will certainly check it out when I get home (I'm currently deployed in the military -heading home in a month). And I don't know why I didn't think of craigslist....I get so much stuff from that web site. Thanks for all the great advice...I never thought of a warrenty…
  • I think we should get smileys if we complete a whole week. That way more people will get them. :love: It's like having that gold star in third grade! Did 40 minutes on the elliptical, 20 on the treadmill and 40 minutes of weight lifting. Now it's time to EAT!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Good Morning All - Ran this morning! Think I covered about 4 miles in about 35 minutes. Not too bad. I got in a quick full body lift down in my apartment's gym...just rotated through all of the machines 3 times. I worked out everyday last week (rotating running one day and spinning class the next) but didn't get a chance…
  • Did 30 minutes on the treadmill and 20 on the elliptical...crunches, pull-ups and push ups before bed too! Keep motivating each other!
  • Happy Tuesday everyone! I did my spinning class today! 1 hour = 760 calories. But I also made poor meal choices this morning and afternoon. :sad: Thinking about having a bowl of cereal and some scrambled egg whites for a light dinner tonight. But at least I got my work out in. Nice job everyone- stay at it!!!
  • Hard boiled eggs!! I boil about a dozen in the begining of my week and take two to work everyday - don't eat the yolks though - at least not all the time.
  • Happy Monday ya'll (if there is such a thing). Ran 4 miles on Saturday and another 3 on Sunday...usually don't like to run two days in a row, but the weather was just too beautiful. Today I hit the elliptical for 30 minutes...pretty easy work out but it took care of about 350 that's better than nuthin!…
  • Happy Friday everyone!!! I got an hour spinning class in today. MFP says I burned over 700 that made my lunch so much more satisfying... Missou - "Potato and Tequila"?!?!?! LOVE your kitty names...hilarious...
  • Good afternoon All - Sorry I have been MIA... Haven't been around a computer and the crazy weather knocked the power out last night and today... But - worked out Wednesday and today...two quick half hour sessions on the elliptical...I wanted to do more but just ran out of time...gonna make up for it on the weekend though!…
  • I was able run everyday this past weekend...didn't go very far yesterday - it was a quick 2.5 mile jog...but at least I got it in! Will be going to spinning class today for an hour! Can't wait... Good luck with the kitty problem Missou!!
  • Woke up sore from my run yesterday and then remembered the tight muscle pains I was getting in my quads and hamstrings during the final mile... Was going to spend some time on the elliptical...but then I was called into work...:grumble: ... I'm in the military and we are prepping for a deployment, so I spent most of the…
  • Yea - I would have NEVER started working out everyday on my own. I always find a day (or two) when I'm "too busy" and make it my "rest day" - the problem is I always tend to let myself go on those days and eat a ton of garbage... But since I've been working out everyday I don't want to waste the hard work I'm doing - so…
  • 350 more dayes to go! Yikes! Gonna run at lunch today - will fill you in on my results tonight!
  • I second that. The 3 Jillian Michaels DVDs are great. I love to use them as supplements when I can't run or make it to the gym...
  • Good Mornin everyone - 1 hour long spinning class today. I love love love my spinning classes. I actually get excited to work out on the days that I go to these. There is always good music and a few dozen other people suffering through it with you so you're not alone...They force me to work out HARD for an hour. I usually…
  • Eh - it was an ugly sight. haha - I am aspiring to be a true runner! I want to be able to run five miles like its nothin' .... I used to run half marathons and I just fell outta shape - gotta get back into it. But thanks though! Good motivation... : )
  • Wow- Thanks everyone for your thoughts- I never realized that you should use different oils for various temperatures. I am not to savvy in the kitchen so this really opened my eyes. I don't really notice much of a flavor from the oil. That's why I've been swapping it out for juices or fat free broth. But I am definitely…
    in olive oil Comment by Casi23 January 2010
  • Finally got that run in that I've been putting off! 4 miles in 30 minutes... + another 10 minutes of walking (5 min warm-up and 5 of cool down). Also did some pretty deep stretching for about 20 minutes....I know that doesn't burn too many calories...but man it felt good.... Am gonna do Jillian's 30 Day Shred while my…
  • You can change your %s of carbs/fats/proteins. I think originally they have everyone at 55/30/15 or something like that. I changed mine to 50/20/ now I don't go over and I'm eating less fat.