CeliaBeeDee Member


  • My goal weight is somewhere between 135 and 122. I only base this on my height (5'3'') and frame (medium). I have met other women my height who tell me they feel comfy with 150. So it really just comes down to how I feel and look. I don't want to be super skinny either, so 122 might not happen. But if I get down to 135 and…
  • Current weight: 220 Height: 5'3'' Lost: None yet Since I am just starting... I might start with some power walking/ turbo jam then eventually work myself to endurance running. I am just worried about my knees. I don't want to grind them down too much until I weigh about 200. So these first 20 pounds I will focus on my…
  • Hey Ladies!! I am currently 23 turning 24 pretty soon. I have been pretty much on the bigger side for most of my life. I currently weigh 220 and want to get down to 135 to 122 I am 5'3'' btw. About three years ago I was at 173, so I have gained a lot of weight since then. I've noticed that I am an emotional eater. I eat…