Michal7361 Member


  • THIS IS AMAZING!! Thank you so much!
  • I've never heard of duolingo, but I'll go check it out! And thank you for the suggestion, I've been wanting a way to brush up on my Spanish.
  • Haha then you understand the extra struggle of dieting as a Southerner ;)
  • If I were at home and bored, I would TOTALLY do these things! I don't have this problem on the weekends. But I'm trying to imagine my boss catching me knitting or coloring...yeah that would not go over well. Thank you for the thoughts though! Particularly that last one...
  • WOW that is insane! I haven't gotten to that point yet, but I have horrible swelling in my calves from sitting all day and I try to get up at least every hour for 5 minutes. Mind if I add you? That way if one of us has a light bulb moment on this situation we can tell the other one!!
  • Yep, me too, both of these things. I even use my lunch break to go to the gym just so I have some get up time!
  • THIS! Yes that is EXACTLY how I would describe it. Great idea on the snacks, I will try to plan ahead like that. Thank you!!
  • I actually pay attention to my hunger with regards to meals. Idk if my meals are "light," but I don't feel hungry so that's what I eat. And the evening overindulge isn't the result of ACTUAL hunger, it's just deeply ingrained bad habits I'm trying to break. I know it's ultimately up to me and my discipline to break them, I…
  • Agreed, the pre-logging usually goes no further than "good intentions." I try to stick to whatever I've logged, but at night it seems so hard to predict anything. I like your idea about just making more room calorie-wise for dinner, since that seems to be my trend. I'll see if I can make that work. Thank you!
  • Great insights, thank you!!
  • Nooooo don't misunderstand. I don't mean I think dancing is "just for kids." I mean I think I aged out of the only classes around here about 15 years ago.
  • You and big2strong both have a good point about nipping the issue in the bud while it's "easier." As for the dance programs, yeah I have a bunch of DVDs plus YouTube is an infinite source, but I hate doing stuff like that alone. When I was in college I fell in love with fitness classes and now trying to go it alone is…
  • That's a solid attitude. It seems like the only things that ever get any attention are what you call the "holy crap" moments, but this is much more realistic. Thank you!
  • Yes but the awfulness is fleeting! Or the "love your body who cares what people think" kicks in! My signature is at the top of the list on the petition to end body shaming, but for me at least it's translated to zero incentive to lose some weight. Sigh.
  • Lol, sports. That's a word I've heard...I think...once...yeah no I was that kid who had to be forced to play sports. I could usually be found in the library in elementary school. I have always loved to dance, but I live in an area where dance = sin unless you're a little girl in ballet. So it's either a one-person dance…
  • I'll add you! I'm always looking for healthy buddies too :)
  • Hi Tiffany, I'm Michal. I'm 26, 5'4", 155, and wanting to lose about 20. I'll add you and we can help each other out :)
  • WOW. I will never whine about weight loss being hard again!! Thank you for sharing this!!