

  • I think the trick is to NOT get into the same routine. Our bodies are designed to develop memory and if we eat the same way and excercise the same way all the time, it loses its effect. I'm glad you posted this. I hope I remember that I might need to change it up if I'm not losing. When I started MFP, I wasn't losing any…
  • I agree about looking at the NSV (non scale victories). I have been working like crazy to lose this weight but nothing seems to be working and I was starting to get frustrated and then my husband told me that my butt looks smaller and is higher. Not much of a compliment but I consider the source LOL! In all actuality, it…
  • If you're going to remove something from your life/diet, you must have a plan to replace it, otherwise, you will be left with a miserable emptiness. Change your thought process. Instead of removing something, make a concerted effort to replace it. Perhaps those unhealthy snacks could be replaced with healthier snacks.…
  • I'm pretty much just starting out myself :)