I am not losing weight...ugh



  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    Let MFP: do it for you. But make sure you log everything (preplanning meals is the best idea rather than logging after you have eaten) andmake sure the exercise calories you are logging are from a heart rate monitor and not fromt he machine or from a guesstimate.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    No one is going to go into "starvation mode" after two weeks so all this "your not eating enough" is rubbish. If she has really reduced the amount she is eating she would have lost some weight (even if undereating is not advisable long term).
    Make sure the exercise calories you are recording are accurate - DON'T go off the machines or MFP: as this is normally comp;letely wrong. Buy a Heart Rate Monitor.
    Eat clean, remove all junk.
    keep; consistent - that means logging and exercising and eating well in the weekends as well as during the week
    Avoid alcohol

    It doesn't change the fact that she should be eating more. I answered why she gained 3 pounds in my previous post, it is because she is exercising and her body is retaining water for the muscles to recover. The eating too little could have an effect in two weeks, but that is not the real issue. Her calorie goal here is 1800, based on what we know from the posts here, that is likely with a fairly large calorie deficit, lets assume the 1000 a day for 2 pounds a week level. She was eating 1200 and less adding another 600 or so calorie deficit. That is simply too big. Add in the exercise, and the deficit gets even larger. She needs to eat more or she is setting herself up for failure in the long run, and depending on her individual physiology, she may be causing issues even now.
  • I agree about looking at the NSV (non scale victories). I have been working like crazy to lose this weight but nothing seems to be working and I was starting to get frustrated and then my husband told me that my butt looks smaller and is higher. Not much of a compliment but I consider the source LOL! In all actuality, it was just what I needed to hear to remind me that our bodies have to go through a state of "repair" before we can really start losing the weight. #1) The muscle has to take the place of the fat (Don't forget that muscle weighs MORE than fat) #2) Continued healthy eating habits combined with cardiovascualar workouts (you gotta get that heart rate UP) will cause weightloss.

    I think part of the problem for me was that I watch the biggest loser and expect to have weight loss results like they have but reality is that I live in the real world. We don't get to leave our lives to be on a show where we do nothing but focus on our weight.

    You're doing good. Your effort will pay off. Just stick with it :)
  • Tn2009
    Tn2009 Posts: 21
    OK what I have logged is exactly what I have eaten and exercised! I do not drink alcohol, matter of fact I only drink water. If I could have afforded to go see a doctor I would have by now. I take offense that it's just that easy, because it clearly is not just that easy for some of us! I have completely changed my eating habits and my way of life!
  • Tn2009
    Tn2009 Posts: 21
    Thanks to all that have positive things to say and advice, being new here I really appreciate it.
  • missyh1
    missyh1 Posts: 18
    Sometimes those pounds can be soooo tricky! My goal is to lose 13 pounds by the end of May. Seems like a long time away but pounds stick to me like you wouldn't believe. I lost 3 pounds the first two weeks and the third week gained one back somehow (I'm not even sure how because I have been very diligent with my calorie goals). Now at 5 weeks I have stalled with a two pound weight loss. So frustrating!

    One thing I want to refute is the idea that muscle is heavier than fat. Not exactly. A pound is a pound. One pound of feathers weighs the same as one pound of lead. The difference is that muscle takes up much less space (mass), so if you gain muscle you can weigh exactly the same but be one or two sizes smaller. The tape measure is definitely your BFF when trying to check your progress!

    Just stick with it. Nothing truly worth doing is ever easy! If anything, know that the force of weight on your hips and lower joints is about three times the actual weight. Lose just 5 pounds and take 15 pounds of pressure off your joints. Even the smallest losses give huge gains over a lifetime of health!