

  • Personally I'm against it. I wore a uniform for elementary school (went to catholic school) but then was allowed to wear what ever I wanted (well not whatever but you know what I mean). Lets be honest. Uniforms are freaking expensive and then you still have to buy clothes for the weekends & summer. A lot of you are saying…
  • Now if only you lived near me. I've only been with one guy ever & I started dating him in high school so I have no idea how "adult" relationships work. I've never been on an "adult" date so it would be great to have practice. No expectations, no sex & not a relationship. Just a date here or there to figure out how it works…
  • When your ready to sign a lease on a house (or apartment) I would amend question number three. " 3. Who handles repairs? Am I solely responsible or do I pay half the cost" That puts the idea in their head that they can charge you... (if they weren't planning on asking you to cover costs originally you've just given them…
    in Question Comment by h_wst April 2012
  • Frustration: Left my ex because of DV... he told me that he still wanted his girls to be a big part of his life & he didn't want to "loose" them too (he has 5 other kids that he has no contact with).... I said "ok you can call them 3x a week & video chat 2x a month" (even though the girls are only 3y.o. & 6mo.)..... do you…
  • Hey, Stop listening to yourself. Those kids you think are "perfect".... guess what? They're f*ked up in the head just like you. Trust me we all hide dirty little secrets. Also whatever you do *dont* date Jessica. She's a lying slut who will ruin your life. Also this is really really hard to say but DON'T go out with Lee.…
  • I do cardio almost every day of the week. I was told by a personal trainer to loose the weight you want to loose first by doing cardio and then focus on toning with weight lifting ect.
  • 22 and Italian, German & French! <3
  • Hey I'm a new single mom like I've only been at this for 3 months. I have a 2yo & a 5mo girl.
  • My daughters. I want to be healthy enough to keep up with them and I want to be there for them for a long time! Also it would nice to feel confidence about my appearance since I'm recently seperated :(