

  • Saying prayers for you to be armed with courage and find peace it knowing you are being covered in prayer and love. You can do this are not alone <3.
  • Just taking a quick peek at your diary I see you don't eat breakfast. That is a huge jump to your metabolism. I know some people don't like eating Bfast ( that used to be me) but now I know it really is important so I have something lite to get me going then I have a snack mid morning before lunch. I have found that eating…
  • I stopped tracking last July March I had gained about 25 lbs (I had lost 22 in 3 months on MFP) I started tracking again March 1st and have lost 19 lbs. I will track until the end of time !! Keeps me honest ;) and makes me think about what I am eating and if I am getting enough exercise in .....Good luck
  • I have never been a soda drinker but my husband is. When he gives up the soda he starts loosing weight at a rapid pace. However he is a man and they tend to lose faster than woman. I can tell you this....your oral health has a huge effect on your overall health and soda will destroy your oral health. I think you made a…
  • Britt you did it before and you can do it again....but do it for YOU, your health and well being. You are young so now is the time to make it a lifestyle change not a diet. You can do this....I am here always and I love you bunches <3 !! I remember how happy and confident you were feeling in your new body but it has to be…
  • WOW give yourself a big ole' high five .... you look FANTASTIC!!! I joined MFP in march 2012 and in 4 months I lost 22 lbs. Then I got side tracked by some life altering events and lost track of my mission to get to a healthy weight. I do not want to be on BP medication or any of those other things most people my age take…
  • I just do my own thing. Anyone who bullies someone else is showing a lack of maturity for sure and they just look foolish to me. I don't really care what anyone says ....I am 53 years old though and way past giving a darn about other peoples negative opinions. If you have something constructive to say I am all ears (old…
  • you can teach yourself to ride a bike....I am 53 years old and had not been on a bike since I was like 14 or 15. My husband bought me one a month ago and I am riding 10-15 MPH atleast 5-10 miles everyday. I LOVE is great exercise and calorie burn and it is so much fun :) JUST DO IT!!!!!! You will be so glad you did…
  • I agree the HRM is the best way to go although on somethings my HRM and MFP are pretty close. If you don't use a HRM go with the lower numbers. I also use Nike+ on my phone for walking and running (it is pretty close to the HRM) so if you can get that app on your phone it is helpful. Good luck and just remember no matter…
  • I am not sure if I count because I had mine 3 years ago when I turned 50. My doc says I am good to go for 10 years unless other health issues come up. Please everyone that should have one do this. I don't remember a thing that happened that day so it does not hurt. The prep. the day before when you do the cleanse is the…
  • I was since March and lost 20 lbs pretty easily but then.....NOTHING. I upped my cals to my BMR which is 1373 and that seems to be helping. I have lost 4 lbs in the past 9 days. Good luck :)
  • Wow what an amazing story and tranformation to the man you were ment to be. I pray you will always remember that your inspiration was a group of young people that most had written off and I pray they remember the teacher that thought they were worth it. Congratulations on both of your life changing should be…
  • Just remember "KARMA" .....and then either move on because she is either a mean girl or ignorant with no manners or class "or" go and talk or e-mail the owner (the manager is probably her friend) in a very unemotional manner and get it off of your chest. Either way let it go...a size is not who you are it is just a number.…
  • First let me say thank you for the service to our great country. I am the wife of a military man. His last deployment he lost about 40lbs. He has been home for about 9 months and has gained about 25 lbs back. I try to keep him on track but have no control when he goes to work :noway: the man loves fastfood. I think for him…
  • I love my fitbit....I wear it 24/7 . I have never lost mine however my husband has lost 2!!! He was using the belt clip and I just clip mine on my waistband. I also have a HRM....which usually sits in a drawer. But when I did compare and wear both....they were very close on calorie burns. I like that it links in with MFP…
    in Fitbit Comment by TrishaGuy June 2012
  • It's ok to cry and get it out....then you wipe your tears and tell yourself " I am strong...I can do this...I am worth it and my family deserves the best I can be. Think about all of the things that you refuse to miss out on with your children (playing outside,amusment park rides,water slides,riding bikes ect...) Your…
    in I cried. Comment by TrishaGuy June 2012
  • I got a 2 pair pack form Sams Club (several years ago) Balley....they have a roll top so you can wear them high or low. I LOVE THEM and I have a mommy pouch.....they still carry them at my Sams I saw them last week but the ones I have are still in great shape so I did not buy any. Good Luck ::smile:
  • I live in NC right now....but I was raised in the panhandle of Florida and will always consider that home. :bigsmile:
  • I am 53 years old and needed to loose about 43 lbs to be right in the middle of my healthy weight range. I started with walking and in no time was building up my strength to walk faster and more miles at a time. My husband bought me an elliptical and I jumped on it thinking oh this is easy......I thought I was going to die…
  • I loved this. My reason for joining MFP came thru knowing that I was not caring for the gift that God had blessed me with. One day I was thanking God for all my blessings and it came to me (devine intervention) that I was not taking care of the one place where the spirit dwells. My house is clean,my car is clean,my yard is…
  • I have a 4 cup water bottle with a straw. It is BRIGHT green and like an elephant in the room so everytime I look at it I am reminded:drinker: "DRINK WATER" I do room temp just because I like that better and sometimes I will add a Energy Rush packet for flavor. I get atleast 8 but shoot for 12 and I must say I can see a…
  • Melissa Sue Anderson ....she played Mary on Little House.....
  • Happy Anniversary.....WOW you both look great and a good 10 years younger !!! Congrats :) keep up the awesome work.
  • Hey sweet lady :) you know I have both ....I love my fitbit for the sheer reason it motivates me more than anything know trying to meet my goals and compete with friends (not so much now with my knee....but before). Alot of things I do fitbit and the HRM are pretty close (for me)but things like elliptical and…
  • You look amazing....I know you have worked very hard and it shows. If I saw you on the beach in a bikini I would be thinking WOW she looks great in that suit :) . You should just go for it.....and have a blast :) I am 53 years old and when I get to my goal I plan on buying a bikini and hitting up the beach ASAP :drinker:
  • I am going to my 35 year High School class reunion in July.....yipes!!!!
  • look ONEderful and 15 years younger. Good for you deciding to make a lifestyle change. You will enjoy Motherhood so much more :) and your child will love having a mommy that feels good enough to run around and play. Not questioning you choice but it does not even look like you have extra look…
  • I would like to do this....I was not in the original either. How does one go about joining the group? I could use the extra motivation :)
  • WOW!!!!! you lost a whole person!!!! You look great and about 15 years younger....hope you are getting all new ID's you might have a hard time pulling off the old ones :) . Congrats on the new healthier you and thank you for sharing. WTG!!!