

  • Don't beat yourself up too much. We all have days "over the limit". If we are too hard on ourselves we often just give up. Hope you didn't. :) I have started swimming more with my boys when we can, we go to a lake in NH most weekends. Tonight I am going to Bikram yoga. I actually will be making it to 2 classes this week.…
  • Good for you. I am trying to get better at actually following my plan. Here's to hitting my own 365! Congrats on hitting yours.
  • Not really sure of current weight. Using this one from last Thursday, 7/5 when I was travelling. Name/ real name: Milfordmom/Angela Current Weight: 170 Challenge Goal Weight: 155 07/02: 07/09: 07/16: 07/23: 08/06: <<<mini goal weight>>> 165 08/13: 08/20: 08/27: 09/03: <<<mini goal weight>>> 160 09/10: 09/17: 09/24: 10/01:…
  • I am from outside of Boston, so I believe 6 hours behind you. Or so it goes with my friend in Sweden. Today is going so far and planning helps me make better choices. For me, it helps seeing the numbers of calories reduce. That way, I can decide if what I am eating (thinking about) is worth the "cost". I am also trying to…
  • Good evening all, I started using MFP the day after Mother's day. My husband has been using it with me. I am 42 and the mother of 2 boys, 9 and 7. I have congestive heart failure, which I was diagnosed with when I was 5 weeks pregnant with my oldest. In the past i lost 59 pounds and gained it back twice during my…