acr0bat Member


  • I've even heard that kind of quote from guys who *are* playing football, e.g. "it'll slow me down".
  • I did a full body weightlifting circuit three times a week and shifted 18lbs in a few months. I went from 22% to 16% body fat but in this I lost 1-1.5lbs of muscle mass in the process - not a huge loss. I was aiming for around 130g+ of protein per day. I stopped circuits when I reached my weight goal. Unfortunately since…
  • I use these: Salter Stainless Steel Body Analyser Scale Whether they are 100% accurate I don't know for…
  • I picked up some scales that calculate it (same as teh composition monitors mentioned earlier in the thread). Not sure they are 100% accurate but it gives me a measurement which I can measure. At the very least I have a measurement I can track a trend, e.g. so long as the body fat percentage is dropping I am happy, even if…
  • I similarly have a body fat goal. I've reached the weight loss goal I'd set myself but if I change my goal to stay the same or increase (I've started my strength programme now having dropped from 22 to 16% body fat) it changes my *entire* goal history (calories, protein targets, carbs, everything) so the graphs that had…
  • Works for me too. I've had strawberry but found it a bit too sickly sweet. The vanilla I like. Mixed with milk it's like custard. What's not to like? :)
  • If you prick one end with a pointed knife it seems to let the air out (stops it bursting in the pot) and I've found the shell comes off pretty easy. al
  • I log everything except water which I know I've got enough of and it doesn't affect readings. Fruit is often loaded with sugars. I've found a lot of foods have been entered into the database with this missing so it's worth checking that when you scan in a barcode.
    in Do you??? Comment by acr0bat May 2012