I've been considering a Tough Mudder in my future.... I have to look up this warrior event.
oh- with the whole marry thing, I just mean that the leftovers taste even better than the first day. :)
In January I could run 3 miles by myself (not race time, which was faster) at 39 minutes. Today, it was 31:47- an improvement of over 7 minutes. And I haven't been focused on improving it, just exercise and health in general. Also, I now have 2 amazing vegan menus I've perfected. Today an acquaintance even asked me for the…
What a beautiful soul! And in an optimist- who knew? :P
drink some water. splash in water. get out the paints. water color. water color a still life. write to my grandma on it.
Taking this weight loss thing slowly. As long as I don't gain weight over the Holidays, I'm satisfied. I've been trying this conscious eating thing: sitting at a table every time I put food in my mouth: no eating in the kitchen, no eating in the car, etc. That's a tricky one with a two year old and an infant, but it's a…
Hey! I don't count my breast feeding calories- but then, I'm not counting calories at all at the moment. Just skipping the sugar. Hard enough for the moment I plateaued at 169 (a twenty pound loss) and have just lost one more pound. It's going to be slow going.
My son is nine weeks old now. I've lost 20 pounds with 20 to go to reach my pre-pregnancy weight of 147. In truth, I'd like to beat my before 1st baby weight of 130. My final goal is 125 pounds. It's scary to even write that. For now, I'm set at dipping below 165 by the time I start work again in December. More than this I…
Making myself tea helps a little. For one thing, it's a bit of an activity, and it takes time to boil the water and steep the tea and then wait for it to cool enough to consume. It appeals to me more than water. So, that's my suggestion.
Angela- I'd love to read your story... the link isn't working. Could you post again?
Just had my son- a successful Vbac! If you have any Vbac questions, I'd be happy to share my story and research with you... (After it was over, I was so very happy not to have to heal from surgery while taking care of a two year old and a new born...)
There's a pregnant mommy forum here!
Hello, friends! I'm due anytime now- aiming for Labor Day ;) I've gained 40 pounds, and I'm hoping to keep it here (under 190 lbs.) until this birth. I'm happy for this forum.