DDLY66 Member


  • I don't count unsweet iced tea unless it is decaf.
  • One of Paula Dean's sons made a lighter version of her ooey gooey butter cake. I found it on twitter but I do believe they have a website. Jamie and Bobby Dean.
  • West Virginia.
  • I had gastric bypass surgery 5 months ago and I'm very happy with the results and how great I feel. If you can commit to the guidelines and exercise you will do fine. I'm at the point right now that I can eat anything with moderation. I just make sure I get the recommended amount of protein and water, take my vitamins and…
  • While there are many "bad" stories associated with GBS there are several success stories as well. I'm one of the success stories. Although I was overweight when I had surgery, that was not the reason I had the bypass. I went to my surgeon for repair of an uncommon type of hiatal hernia that caused my stomach to become…