

  • Listen to your body. if you feel the need to consume an additional 400-500 (and you've already burnt that much at the gym) then definitely go ahead! Often when I do a big session in the gym First thing in the morning, I need the extra calories during the day to keep me going otherwise my energy stores will be depleted…
  • I used to have horrible skin and felt so self conscious without makeup on, but as soon as I started eating properly and working out regularly a few years ago, it cleared up! Felt so great to be able to walk out of the house without feeling like I had layer upon layer of makeup on my face!
  • Thanks! :) I'm 5'2 and I know how you feel! In the past I've always felt the most insecure when I'm standing next to gorgeous tall girls! Probably explains why my cupboard is full of ridiculously high heels! :P don't stress! Have patience and start with small steps, you'd be surprised how quickly you can notice changes if…
  • Hey Jamie, Nice to meet you, and congrats on starting your Fitness journey! Everybody has to start somewhere and the fact that you've made the decision to take action feel better about yourself is an Awesome! Good Luck, look forward to hearing about your progress! :) Dani
  • These are fantastic! Thanks for the link! :)