Incredible results...those last few pounds that you're targeting are a huge leap diminishing returns to them at all...keep going; be part of the 1%...
I'm from Missouri
book: "Burn the Fat; Feed the Muscle"...zig zag method can break you through a plateau...vary calories 20-30% lower than target calories for 3 days...then at target for one...then 3 below again...the target day every 4th day keeps the body from slowing metabolism; working for me right now...lots in the book besides the zig…
Put me in Coach...After exercising 4 to 5 days per week for years, I finally got real with myself, started counting calories (its the only way) and dropped 26lb last year; going from 202lbs down to 176lbs and achieving 13% body fat. Now I've put 5lbs back on since last Fall, and I'm renewing my focus to lose 10lbs and get…
when you think "fat girl"; flip it internally to "fit girl"...then repeat it to yourself 10 times every'll shake that negative voice extreme results from what I am sure were extreme efforts; do not discount your accomplishment, you did this; you did what most (MOST) can not conceive; you didn't just conceive…