

  • Definitely agree with previous posters about it being water weight. Also if you haven't had your period in months you are retaining even more water which was probably less apparent before because of the lower calorie intake. Give your body some time to adjust :)
  • I was told it take 6 weeks to start noticing a difference so I would give it some more time. The 6 week thing was very hard for me to understand at the beginning of my weight loss journey but after that it all makes sense. Not sure how often you weigh yourself but if it's often I would cut back to once a month and also…
  • Hey! Good job on staying focused. I work a desk job too...about every half hour or so I get up and do a "lap" around the floor just to stretch my legs and also clear my head. I also do Pilates (AeroPilates machine) for 80-90 minutes a day. I would work on incorporating more fruits,veggies and protein packed foods while…
  • I do it everyday minimum of 60 mins (when I started I started with 15-20 mins), I have the AeroPilates machine, so it's very convenient for me. I like starting my day off with some good stretching, getting the heart pumping and it's a good way to clear my head for the day. I am not a "work out" kind of person so really…