

  • Holy crap 10 classes a week!!
  • water weight and muscle weight. women are very prone to water weight!! watch your weight over a four week period, not a daily or weekly basis.
  • I checked out your diary, it looks fine to me, but if you are at a plateau, you might want to search for Plateau-busting or other terms that help you push your body out of its zone. Often it is NOT cutting back on calories that does it. 1450 is kind of low, its only 200 more than most womens' BMR. Your body MIGHT be in…
  • I go to sleep in my workout clothes, some comfy ones, capris and a fitted workout shirt. Toss my shoes near my bedroom door, socks stuck in the heels. If I feel like it I'll wear the sportsbra too so I can't think "well, its a pain to put that bra on i'm not going" LOL. I'll set up a small snack in the kitchen ready to go…
  • I mix up my shake in the morning and sort of sip it throughout the day so i am not getting an excess of protein in one sitting. My shake has 32 grams of protein. Your body uses protein all day long, but it WILL turn excess protein to fat if you take too much in at once.
  • What other people think of you is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS :) I always love that quote. It helps me get through a lot of situations! That being said, I always want to give a big thumbs up to the heavier people I see running, and if I'm in my car driving by a popular running path, I do look at them, but in a "wow, they're…
  • I had really good luck with using insulin-resistance supplements for my cravings. I started them this week and I was amazed. I also drink a low calorie muscle milk or other protein shake in between meals, about 140 calories. the extra protein helps me not even think about food or sweets. also designate days or weekends…
  • I could not begin an exercise or weight regimen while depressed, it took going on Zoloft to allow me to feel motivated and focused enough to stick with it longer than one or two workouts. That being said, drugs can't do everything. Exercise helps a TON in getting me where I need to be in terms of not being depressed or…