DonnaKAuch Member


  • Awesome! I love the app for my phone. It makes it so easy to add and keep track of my eating. Hoping this time I am successful!
  • I had to look to make sure I was still on myfitnesspal. My kryptonite would be anything Chocolate.
  • We are having a pitch in at work on St. Patrick's Day and I am planning on bringing Turkey meat balls w/ whole wheat pasta and tomato sauce. I like how you put cheese in the meat balls. I'm not going to tell ~ let it be a surprise. We are all on myfitnesspal and are just supporting each other to live a healthier life style.
  • People come in and out of your life as you need them. I have a BFF that I met when I was 16. We were kindred spirits. Since we lived over 1,000 miles away from each other we became pen pals and kept in touch with long letters. I married first and had children first. Our letters became less and less but we stayed in contact…