

  • I find exercise boring as well, that's why i got an MP3 player. Now i listen to music, podcasts, or even listen to language learning sound files. I almost look forward to walking or getting on the stationary bike. PS - Sometimes I pretend on walking in exotic places too. ;-)
  • There's a concern of the starvation mode, which leads to losing valuable muscle when you diet. So when you gain weight back once you at 'normally' again, you gain even more fat...percentage-wise. There's also a huge concern over getting enough nutrition. 800 calories cannot possible give you all the needed vitamins and…
  • MMMM I love hummus on my sandwich. I may never eat mayo again once I tried Garlic Hummus on my sandwich. I would also suggest things like mustard, horseradish, and other spicey type toppings. I even add bacon bits since they are low calories but full of flavor.
  • If you're doing a lot of exercise, your body is saying it needs those calories- especially if you're doing weights. Muscle demands more calories, but also burns more calories. Also remember that weight trainers have to eat 3000+ calories a day just to maintain the muscle they built up.
  • You should look up 'sugar sensitive' or 'sugar addiction', because its like the sugar gives more than just the usual 'rush'. I'm a sugar addict and need to watch myself around sweets. Here are a few tips; -Don't buy or keep sweets in the house. It forces you to take an extra trip to get out there and and find some. -Drink…
  • Just think; you have to eat 3500 calories to gain 1 lb, and so you'd have to eat your regular food PLUS the 3500 calories One day doesn't really matter. I sometimes find it easier to think of weekly calories than daily. This way I can 'bank' them- save in anticipation of going out to eat or something. You can do it!