

  • I'm 11% bf now,I just measured.I had 2 cheat weeks and that made a big difference.I was back home and I ate everything.So I want to lose a bit of body fat just to get to 6-8%. No,I don't have "Burn The Fat,Feed the Muscle" but I will give it a shot if you recommend it.
  • I am 6'2" and 170 pounds.I am currently trying to lose some fat and gain some muscle. I'm trying to reach 2200 cals a day,with 220g protein,220g carbs and 50g fat.What do you guys think about that?Should I lower the cals or get them bigger?
  • I eat it with wild rice.I then mix them with lemon juice,olive oil and avocado(not to much,just to get my daily fat intake).
  • MFP is the most useful website for keeping track of your daily intake. Keep track,have a little calorie deficit and work out at least 3 times a week.I won't lie to you,it will be hard at the beggining but in the end it will be worth it.Nothing in life is easy but with a bit of work we can get past all of these things.The…