Thanks for all the responses. I think that it will all help me.
Im going to do this.
I know what ur saying but thats what makes it so frustrating to me. I cant seem to logic my way out of this one cuz its rediculous.
Took close to 2 years off. Fyi
This whole eat more to weigh less thing makes perfect sense if applied correctly. If you were to eat more and exercise in a way to build a smll amount of muscle then cut back it would drastically improve your ability to lose fat. Its not that complicated one lb of sedentary fat only needs 2 calories a day to maintain…
I train 18 to 20 hours fasted every time. I just got my squat to 315x5 for sets and my dl to 405x3. Still a beginner though. Only been straining a year.
Been doing stronglifts over a year now. It works extremely well. With limited self control you can achieve anything you want with stronglifts. You will see very. Noticeable results most likely in your 4th month. I was 6ft 245 lbs. 30+% bf Now I'm 205. Fluctuating between 13-15%. And I have very little self control with…
I take between 2 min and 5 on my heaviest sets .
Correction. I just deadlifted 405x3 half hour ago
Been doing sl for over a yer now. Send everyone friend me. Squat 315x5 deadlift 390x5 bench 225x5 row 245x5 clean and ohp 150x5