Ronaldblue Member


  • Fair points, I'm just saying. Don't expect to lift 8 continuous hours a day (or even 3-4 times a week) unless you have some steroids. Your body just can't recover that fast or last that long without the testosterone boost. Also, roids totally gets overused. My buddy is 100% natural and guys always accuse him of using roids…
  • *cough cough* Steroids *cough* They're a hell of a drug.
  • I have tried Ketosis, but have not found it to be all that helpful, especially since it causes my weightlifting to suffer. I stay sore longer and I can't hit the same weight for as long. Additionally, it creates a false sense of accomplishment once you enter ketosis, because your body purges itself of water weight, which…
  • I rotate high bar squats, zercher squats and front squats, as well as do deadlifts without a belt. Never had a need for one and don't see why I will ever need one.
  • Deadlifts... All you need to do to work the core. To get abs, just have a low BF%.
  • Spotting... on a machine? Why?
  • I drop weights. Why? Because there is this magical thing called bumper plates that are meant to be dropped, especially if there is an olympic platform. I talk to random people at the gym. Maybe a good job, maybe a question, maybe to ask for a spot or just because plain ol' talking is fun. Lifting... good times. Can't…
  • Calories Remaining, my apologies
  • I am losing weight by just hitting my calories and macros and I sometimes eat things like Chipotle, Hardee's and Ritter's Frozen Custard.... How is indulging on a "cheat" bad? Eat something you love and savor and fit it into your macros.... Too many assumptions in your post
  • MyFitnessPal already includes your deficit in your allotted calories for the day. Any calories that you earn through exercise are yours to do with as you please. I would recommend eating them early on as it will help with hunger issues at the beginning of stricter diets, otherwise you are creating a large gap between what…