GreenStars Member


  • I ran my fastest mile ever yesterday!
  • Done - I had to take a break in between squat sets, but I did it, super challenge style!
  • Yes - go to MY HOME and click on Goals - click on change goals, then choose custom to manually set your goals.
  • In an done! Challenged myself with weights - had to take a few breaks, but made it to 100!
  • My diary is open, and I'm looking for active friends. I log daily!
  • I'm doing a challenge with other employees - collecting points for doing daily things, and whoever gets the most points wins $25! My August goals: 5-9 servings of veggies and fruits 60 minutes daily of walking, stair stepping, and/or other cardio 30-60 minutes daily strength training (planning on alternating upper and…
  • I only have one friend on there, and it's confusing because we both have the same name, so I'd love to have more friends on there.
  • I've been wearing my fitbit since January 2nd. It's a great way to track how much you walk/move throughout the day. For the first couple of weeks I just wore it and didn't change anything, noticed I was only getting 6,000 to 8,000 steps. I mindfully upped my activity level and have recently moved my goal up to 11,000 steps…
  • I did the Color Run last Saturday - it was definitely fun! I also trained for it, and I did run the whole thing, but it's not necessary - the whole point is to have fun!
  • I started C25K the beginning of February...and just graduated (finished the program)! The first few weeks were super hard for me...shin splints and calf pain, oh my! I had to stretch and then ice for about 30 minutes after a run just to function. It definitely gets better! If you stick with the program, you'll be amazed at…
  • I can't stand the ear buds either - I buy the cheapest wraparound (behind the neck) styles I can find. They stay on really well when I'm jogging.
  • I'm on Week 7 of the C25K program. I had horrible shin pains during the first 3 weeks, but then once I started running more they've pretty much disappeared (knock on wood). I make sure I stretch my calves before I start, and definitely stretch afterwards. I also iced my shins after my stretch, and that really helped.
  • I also had shin splints when I first started the C25K program....I'm on Week 6 and don't have them anymore. Keep going! For the first couple of weeks, I would always ice my shins after a run and that seemed to help.
  • I'm about to start Week 6 of this program. I love it! It's really challenging for a former non-runner, but I feel so accomplished when I finish a run! I have a lot of weight to lose too. I've made a deal with myself that if I ever start one of the workouts and I can't get through all the runs or I can't finish it, I don't…
  • I have Just Dance 2, 3, and 4 and Zumba Core - I much prefer the Just Dance titles. I love to dance, and loved taking actual Zumba classes. My reasoning: the Just Dance titles have more recognizable songs, which for me make the dance part of it much easier. Plus I think it's easier to find a dance 'playlist' that you enjoy…