

  • For me people started to notice around 20 pounds and even more so when I started wearing smaller, form fitting tops and pants. I still wore my big clothes up until I lost the 20 pounds then I could fit into some of my smaller clothes that I saved thank goodness. Good luck and don't get discouraged because people may not…
  • Wow!!!! You look amazing. Congrats on your success. You give me hope that I can achieve my goal too. :smile:
  • Just wanted to add that working out builds muscle, which weighs more than fat. Also, if you check your measurements you may in fact be smaller. :smile:
  • Did you take your before measurements? I lost 4 1/2 pounds in week one with no weight loss in weeks 2 & 3 but when I took my measurements I was down 6 inches. Sometimes it doesn't show on the scales right away. Don't despair, stick with it... :smile:
  • Next grocery day I'm definitely going to give your recipe a try. I'm always looking for something new to try that is filling. Thanks so much for sharing it. :smile:
  • Unfortunately some people aren't aware of the effect their words have on others. It doesn't sound like your mother is very supportive of your health and weight loss goals either. Keep up the good work and remember you're doing this for yourself and not for approval from your mother. Keep a positive attitude and continue on…
  • Wow, you look amazing. What a difference 35 pounds makes. Keep up the good work. :smile:
  • I'm starting day 4 and down 3 pounds already, so hang in there. Once you get your foods in the diary you can easily select your favourites much quicker...It is a little bit of work at first just to get your regular foods in there but once you do it's much easier. At this point I'm not keeping track of exercise as I have a…
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