Day 1 and Completely Overwhelmed Already!!! :0(



  • andrakierstead
    I'm starting day 4 and down 3 pounds already, so hang in there. Once you get your foods in the diary you can easily select your favourites much quicker...It is a little bit of work at first just to get your regular foods in there but once you do it's much easier. At this point I'm not keeping track of exercise as I have a pretty sedentary job...on my butt all day. For me just making sure I keep it around 1200 calories and drink at least 8 cups of water a day has made a tremendous difference for me. I wouldn't worry so much about getting everything exact, just being aware of your calories per day and water intake is working for me. Best of luck to you.
  • mvillagran
    :drinker: Day 1 & 2 Sucked! Ha Ha! But I'm Feeling Sooo Much Better About Today! I Already Have My "Planned Meals" Logged In For Today, Once On Stone, It Can't Change Right? Okay, Maybe It Might A Little, But At Least I Have A General Idea In My Mind What Today Needs To Be Like. :0) Thanks For Everyones Replys You All Had Great Suggestions. Have A Wonderful Day Everyone!
  • dandy_girl
    dandy_girl Posts: 13 Member
    Hang in there! As a Nutrition Coach, I tell people the calories in vegetables are so minimal that you don't need to worry about them too much! Keep focusing on the question: Does this food have good nutritional value? I also created my own food called "misc calories" and put it at about 100 cals, I add it in to my everyday totals, that way, if you miss a few things here and there, it's not as big of a deal to record it.

    Good luck with your journey!
  • gantonishek
    Sounds more like my issue! I'm also new at this & when I plug in items for say 1/2 or 1/3 cup etc... my cal counts still record for a full cup at times. there must be a trick I'm overlooking but other times it doesn't seem to be a problem???
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    Some things will list the food and serving (Avocado, 1 whole) in the title. When you put in the serving, it lists that slightly below but it doesn't change the title so it looks like you are still logging a whole one when you really aren't. The numbers have, however, effectively changed. The next time it happens, try playing with it and putting in different serving sizes for that same foods and going back to the screen and see if the calorie number has changed. I bet it has. It's a little confusing but it has to do with the titles people put in.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    when i googled "graphic image", this was the second image that appeared. sry to disappoint.
