Thir13en Member


  • strapping young lad - the new black album is pretty fast paced, but it's melodic, not... grunty mcscreamfest
  • i posted earlier saying i have 16 piercings.. just to clarify. i have two noserings (which just look like one really, they're next to each other) and two liprings. the rest are hidden/on my ears. i'm not like... hellraiser. some people go overboard & don't think about their piercings/tattoos before getting them. i plan…
  • Not a guy, but i like women ;) piercings fit the person... if they have a personality to match. no personality, means your piercings are just awkward accessories I have.. 16 piercings incl my ears. (had to pause & count) 3 tattoos. i don't like incredibly visible tattoos on women, unless they can really pull it off well.…
  • lol. no. i'm just a pretty aggressive talker anyways but yes, blatently running your 40+ age difference eyes over what could be your daughters body with no acknowledgement to me or the fact that i'm a human being standing 5 feet from you and can CLEARLY SEE YOU STARING at me. then yes, thats prettty fuxking obnoxious. lol
  • I like feeling hot. but i hate that every fuxking guy on the goddamn planet has to rape me with thier greasy eyeballs. lately, with a bit of weight loss & summer showing up (and clothes getting smaller) it's been relentless. I had a friend who said "does it bother you that guys stare" I told him.. it didn't use to, but now…
  • 24! 25 in December. i'm a college student, in ontario canada :) anyone can add me as well.. :)
  • 4. Single and Loving It. & 7. Friends with Benefits 9. Spinster with multiple cats just ended a 2 year relationship, which i got into after ending a 5 year relationship. i still live with my recent ex, seperate bedrooms... it's awkward. and the ex before that, that i regretted leaving, like, forever? oh he just got engaged…
  • just started their May weight loss/toning/flexibility increasing program. its all free on youtube, theres diet info on their fb, which you have to "like" to access (diet challenges, i dont really diet... they're remind you about water, portion sizes, veggies) but after 3 work outs, my back feels…
  • I do the same with lays potato chips, the unrippled ones. & dabs of cold ketchup out of the fridge!
  • oranges & apples they are delicious, slice them both the same way with the peel on, and then you can pick them up and much them & if the apple isn't cutting it with crunch & tart, theres a big piece of juicy sweet orange there too. and the oranges stop the apples from browning quickly i think.. i might be wrong.
  • When I was a kid, my favorite meal, was a bagel, sliced in half, with 2-3 slices of ham, 1 slice of cheese. Then it has to be wrapped up in 2 paper towels (still attached, must place bagel in centre) fold in both sides & tuck them underneath & microwave for 60 seconds exactly. if it was made any other way.. it was awful i…
  • AWOLNATION - Kill Your Heroes
  • I've always considered myself thick. I'm not heavy, but i'm very curvy, and my thighs/calves (muscle & fat) look really wide. to me. my bf tells me otherwise, even though i've always felt that way.
  • exaaactly. :) well said
  • It's not the same generation that is entering into those stages of life together. The old wrinkly trashy looking people, will probably be hanging out with the other old wrinkly trashy looking people, because chances are, thats going to be the majority in that time frame for some areas. To each their own, good well placed…
  • BTW - these are very much the warning signs to a turbulent relationships. the only reason you don't hear people making a big deal about breaking up now, is because they dont. they stay, jealousy grows. anger. it could very much turn ugly. i swore up and down that one of the guys i was with would never lay a hand on me. but…
  • smart :) i'm insanely insecure. i've snooped my last 3 serious relationships (1 lasting 2 year, living together, 1 5 years, living together, and now another 3 year, living together relationship) i'm effed up inside. i tried pushing people away so they don't have to deal with my crazy, but i've also never lived alone since…