Great job already - and good update! i've done multiple rounds of P90X, X2, and Asylum - stick with it!!!, you'll be fine : )
congrats! the Steamers bags are pretty easy too, just a few min. in the microwave
hell's bells = yes
Reprioritize, then worry about how to squeeze in everything else.
boom. (back pic)
I've definitely cut back and it's helped a ton. This coincides with the final month of my program also, so count me in!
despicable...and to exclude the back shot guys...i thought this was a place of support
also Core Synergistics does not use one, if i remember correctly. One of the better workouts too, imo
just hit 25 - always lookin for more fanaticals (regardless of regimen)
Alana - nope your calves are rockin! ; )
Not a scam at all. In my experience, the people that say it is are those who have never done it. My suggestion is to focus on the ppl who took it seriously and then judge their results. Worked/working for me anyway.
Cut out everything with High Fructose Corn Syrup
I don't. I dont like how MFP "adds back" cals for your exercise. Plus if you're following the Calorie Calculator in the X2 book, then it's already accounting for those cals spent during the X2 workouts.
Great, guys - thanks for your help! Looks like I'll be visiting some bike shops. It will take a little more work/travel but should be worth it in the end. Thanks for all the advice.
Ditto. I have the same set. My buddy just got the Bowflex 1090s and was complaining about their size/lenght when using a low weight. Also, with the powerblocks, you have the option of getting a lighter weight set initially, and then adding on the expansion turning a 50lb set into a 90 lb set and even up to…
Aside from everyone else's suggestions of sandwiches and the like, (and NO salads haha) some good snack/meal substitutions that I've found are: Larabars (cherry pie, apple pie, pbj, coconut) Bear Naked Granola (fruit & nut, vanilla crunch) Almonds/nuts Protein bars Fruit - always a good option : ) I know this isn't exactly…
I'm on Shakeology. At first, I wasnt going to get it b/c of the price, but then gave it a shot b/c of the "bottom of the bag guarantee. I really like it, keeps my mornings simple and I know I'm getting some good nutrients right away. Also seemed to help with my energy levels.
I'm a big fan! I've done P90X and X2, will probably buy Asylum after I complete my current round of X2 I initially did X1 and killed the workouts but didn't focus on the nutrition really at all. I got in good shape, but didn't get shredded or have that big of a transformation. I continued to do it intermittently, but of…
1 cup of Cheerios (original) will get you 45% of your DV
Huge milestone achievement - Congrats!!!
24 - add away. I'm always looking to help/learn/support!
I use Optimum Nutrition Amino Energy - works well for me, and is one of the "safer" ones I think
Southern IL born and raised, friend me up!
Great Value - Frozen Mixed Fruit Sliced Strawberry, Peach, Mango and Pineapple, 2 cup (no sugar added) Minute Maid Premium Pulp Free - 100% Pure Squeezed Orange Juice, 8 ounces Great Value Clover Honey - Clover Honey, 1 tbsp 310 cals (total) *Taking the fruit directly from the freezer, I thaw in the microwave for 90…
Check your iron intake - the most common symptom of iron deficiency is fatigue. I'm not saying this is your issue, but I upped my iron and it fixed this problem for me. Men need 8 g of iron/day. The simplest remedy I found was to eat 1 cup of Cheerios (dry) with breakfast. At only 100 cals, it doesn't interfere with your…
just finished P90X2 on Saturday - progress pics in profile.
Finished the program 5-6-12. Transformation pics in profile
Guinness. 12 oz = 126 cals, 10 carbs. Comparable calorically to the "best" of the light beers. But a hell of a lot a better than any light beer, imo