brigoodwin Member


  • Usually the hot, but it never really gets that hot while I'm washing them, so I guess in a way cold ;-)
  • I think eventually you will get to a point where you won't have to worry so much about tracking your calories, but I think in the beginning it's a good idea to stay consistent with it just to see how many you are getting and where they are coming from. I know personally, since I've started clean eating, I've become a…
  • Shakeology has lots of nutrients in it and if you're body is not used to all the goodness then I think it takes awhile to get used to. It also really depends how you prepare your shake. Did you friend give you suggestions for making your sample? There really is no comparison between Shakeology and Slim Fast. Everything…
  • You should do Insanity with me!! I'm going to do another round after I'm finished!!!!
  • Believe it!!! TurboFire is a HIIT workout which means you're heartrate is excelerated for long periods of time after you done working out. In turn you are burning a crazy amount of calories all day long....even while you're sleeping!! It's an amazing program and I found that the fat starteed to melt off from my booty,…
  • I'm not currently trying but I did focus on getting in shape when we were. I know that being overweight can lower you chances of conceiving. I used to have this book that gave you a million tips of things to do and not do when you're trying to get pregnant. My best advice would just be to focus on being healthy. Eat well,…
  • Do you think maybe yo are getting low blood sugar? I know that sometimes can happen to me, but if I have a small snack it helps a lot. Are you drinking enough water?